"Making brownies "
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Deltarune art lol
Category: Art and Photography
so awhile back i played the demo nad fell in love with a few chracters on of which was seam so i drew them » Continue Reading
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laceys games wow (reblog from bulletion)
Category: Games
wow is the only thing i can say after doing a little bit of "research" i saw it kinda got popular on tiktok (where i first heard of it) and i honestly just assumed it was another okayish analog horror from youtube (andd i was half right) but its so much better than that so i recently watched a youtube deep dive on it which took an hour :/ but it was so worth it, first off the way everything was s... » Continue Reading
Category: Books and Stories
ive been wrinting fanfiction lately i started on wattpad AND BEFORE YOU JUDGE i am 13 sooo i think its fair starting place im not going to show it here but just know i wrote fanfiction okayyyy byeee :3 » Continue Reading
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Country Music
Category: Music
Okay this is a bit of a small rant but heres my question before anything Why do people hate Country Music? okay heres the rant so recently there was a few videos from different people stating they hate country music, and from it came the joke that "i'll listen to naything that isnt country music" which is strange considering theres tons of music which i garentee people wouldnt listen to but anyway... » Continue Reading
under construction!!
Category: Automotive
finally adding stuff to blog nothing is from me btw thank you to everyone who mkaes free templates to spacehey you have my full repect » Continue Reading
unfinished horror story made May 23, 2023
Category: Books and Stories
I'd say the weirdest partner i've ever had was when i was young i met this girl her name was angie she had dyed blonde hair with brown streaks with dark brown eyes with hints of gr » Continue Reading
Anyone else? (kinda philosophical and long lol)
Category: Blogging
So ive thought about it for awhile and i think i know what i want in life, well not exactly but i ha ve a rough idea of what i want. the best way to put how i image my future is the fig tree theory. the fig tree theory is basically all the possiblitys in life your own life in spesific, every fig on teh tree is a life you could live, and the fig tree theory also ties in with the butterfly effect s... » Continue Reading
I'm down bad 😞
Category: Blogging
You know you in the gutter when you recognize a peice of art immediately of a weird (ashamed) fandom you was in Bro I feel like that sad ant with a stick and a napkin 😔 » Continue Reading
It's late but anoucment :b
Category: Blogging
So when I finally get back on my computer (cus I'm on phone rn) imma write down a bunch of ideas I have and had for anyone to use read or idk anything Any concept is free to use is what I'm trying to say so soon 🙂 » Continue Reading
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physical media vs digital plus movie talk :D (long rant)
Category: Life
so recentally ive been informed (through tiktok and news) that my secound favorite movie is being erased from the internet, the movie 28 Days Later 2002 due to some copyright laws or somthing is being taken off everything execpt sling tv and this sparked somwthing in me to start a physical media, ive realized over the years that everything is digital which is both good and bad. there are pros and... » Continue Reading