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Category: Life

physical media vs digital plus movie talk :D (long rant)

so recentally ive been informed (through tiktok and news) that my secound favorite movie is being erased from the internet, the movie 28 Days Later 2002 due to some copyright laws or somthing is being taken off everything execpt sling tv and this sparked somwthing in me to start a physical media, ive realized over the years that everything is digital which is both good and bad. 

there are pros and cons to everything but in recent times to ive also seen the world i live in get worse and im personally not a paraniod or gloomy person but its possible that the world as a whole or even just america (where i am) could get worse, and some details that is worse is the removale of media and knowledge.

i know its a bit far fetched to get those kinds of thoughts from a simple movie being taken off almost entirely but i still stand a point of certain media not being acessable anymore, and the need for copies to spread art.

from this im going to try and replecate books and articles online into physical peices of media you can hold, read, and watch. onto CDs DVDs and even Blu Ray 

its going to take time but i do want to carry backup even if disater doesnt strike 

this was a weird rant i know but i think that everyone should have a backup if some kind of there favorite shows or just art and media as a whole, whether it be a book you reprint or write by hand and bind or a burned cd of your favorite musci i think there should be a puch for physical media again 

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Marshmallow_Fluff's profile picture


And with Best Buy abandoning Blu-Ray and DVD sales, remaining a physical media enjoyer almost feels as if becoming an elder cherishing lost treasure.

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Absolutely I think it pretty unfortunate that a lot of companies are trying to control most of not all media and that physical is becoming top luxury

by armadildo; ; Report