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Category: Music

Country Music

Okay this is a bit of a small rant but heres my question before anything

Why do people hate Country Music?

okay heres the rant

so recently there was a few videos from different people stating they hate country music, and from it came the joke that "i'll listen to naything that isnt country music" which is strange considering theres tons of music which i garentee people wouldnt listen to but anyway

Now im not saying its not okay to like a genre of music because i understand personal prefrence, but the problem i have is that people dont give country music repect, mainly poeple from america (where im from). 

i do think that no matter anything you should repect something even if you dont agree or like it (doesnt apply to morally wrong stuff yk) but with counrty music in specific i think it deserves more repect more than it is given.

the thing with counrty music is American talking a very important peice of history and is insanely influentul for music much like jazz and pop, country built america moving along the south and west, important figues like Johnny Cash, Glen Campbell, Patsy Cline, and even more modern country folk like Dolly Partonand Carrie Underwood. 

Something i think is important to mention is that the thing with counrty music is that it changes, just like with everything the music output is changed by the centuries, and with each century is a differnt style of counrty, and so with teh modern time the most popular version is Country Pop, while in the past it was more revolution and lover leaning influeced by blue grass and upcoming rock.

and i think its fair to mention that most country pop is bad, not to say every song because i to have my guilty pleasures but in radios and mass media yes, most counrty pop is bad really bad

but that doesnt give a reason to hate the genre entirly, not to say i dont respect peoples opions on their own music taste but to disregard and disrepcet the very artist who influenced the very music alot of people listen to leaves a bad taste in my mouth 

also i want to mention i will physically attack anyone who disrepcets jazz music, i love jazz and are willing to have a civil conversation with country, but jazz? i will stab someone 

but in whole i am curious of people who hate country, people who actully know the difference 


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Jincko_SiZ_X's profile picture

so true!!!

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