unfinished horror story made May 23, 2023

I'd say the weirdest partner i've ever had was when i was young i met this girl her name was angie she had dyed blonde hair with brown streaks with dark brown eyes with hints of green. The crazy part was that I met her in my  dreams. How it went was..

One day when i was in the Bravo force the traumatic shocks got to me and so i was issued a therapy dog a golden retriever called Scout he was a good dog who belonged to family who exactly i didn't know at the time, Scout was to help deal with the lash-back of the missions i went on during the war and time spent there he was my dog and a good one he was to sleep and accompany me everywhere and because of that he slept with me in the room. 

When ever he slept in the room with me id see a girl it was angie but i didn't know her name she never told me straight up, the first time i met her i was in a empty field with wildflowers and tall and short grass i was walking for what felt like hours when i spotted a white table in the field, an outdoor chair and table made of metal it was surrounded in tall grass taller than me so it was hidden but the spot itself was clear a circle of tell grass surrounded the place. The table had a beautiful teapot a white porcelain with blue and gold accents with teacups to match and tons of sweets, sandwiches, and typical tea party food you would see the table itself was decorated to.

 “Tired” from all the walking i sat at the table, i wasn't planning on staying long since it looked like it was reserved for someone but as i sat a or the girl appeared from the tall grass wearing a blue and gold dress that matched the teapot and decor, thinking i was interrupting something i quickly stood up about to apologize for sitting down at the table, she then squealed seeing me almost screaming at me saying “finally a person to dine with” her voice was a medium pitch and her accent was almost british with a mix of scottish. 

She ran at me and pulled the chair across from me and urged me to sit, I almost didn't consider that I just met her but I remembered it was a dream and a tea party wasn't the worst idea. So sat sat down and immediately she took the teapot and poured me a cup of tea, she handed me the teacup and a small plate then started to speak “oh you don't know how long i've waited for someone else to be in this meadow it gets so lonely after a while” as she was speaking she was pouring herself a cup of tea to and grabbing a plate for herself and picking off some of the treats layed out, i was stunned for a minute do to not expecting anyone to be here let alone be so fast after a while of blank staring my curiosity got the best of me and i asked her if she lived here, her response was a almost threatening glare with no response of words .

 I decided not to press further tho still wonder what was wrong with the question, there was a long pause of silence and the air was thick after a while i decided to drink the tea even with how long it sat out it was still hot and to my pleasant surprise the tea was quite nice it tasted like lavender tea with honey and blueberries, i figured a easier question to ask would be better to start a conversation so i said “this tea is really good, what kind is it?” As soon as I said that she started to talk again the atmosphere lifted up almost immediately  she told me that the tea was a fusion of lavender and blueberries made by a specific company I knew at the time. 

After that we sat in a comfortable silence for a while until she decided to asked where i came, at first confused but silent, the confusion must have shown on my face because she took note and then explained or rather asked where did i appear in the meadow so she knows where to find and wait for me again. I told her that i first “woke up” in the part near a tree but not at it it was the only tree with flowers, she exclaimed that she knew where that was and told me she would wait there and to not be sacred, in her specific words she said 

“I know where that tree is, i’ll wait for you there but don't be scared if i appear behind you ok?”


I was still confused slightly but i understood what she met but before she told me her last words the first we met i asked,

“You’ll wait for me? Does that mean I'll be back here?”

“Yes you’ll be back and i’ll wait for you, we’ll meet again don't worry.”

She said in a warm tone, I woke up when she said that and it was morning before my alarm. Scout was already up and licked my face, giggling slightly I gently pushed away and began to start my morning routine of making coffee, feeding Scout, checking the news, and making breakfast. That same day I had to go on my annual grocery run for my apartment. So I dressed Scout in his special vest and then got myself ready for the day. For a brief moment I couldn't find Scout's leash but like the good boy he is he brought it to me and I gave him a pat on the head.

The same day I went out to the store and did my regular errands, groceries, drop mail off, check up on plants outside, and go to the tea store, the last two parts aren’t necessary but I do tend to rope them in my regular routine whenever I can. Before I went into the tea store, I tied Scout to the outside pole. I then went inside to the tea store, but today it was different, the store's interior changed from the normal green and yellow theme to a blue and silver. I took note of how altho the colors changing that the original colors were still here but rather seems like they changed it to promote a tea, they tend to change colors to promote certain teas tho normally around the holidays, i figured i’d ask the nice lady who ran the shop on what there doing this for. 

Walking up to the counter I didn't see anyone. I decided to ring the bell for her considering it's probably only her running the shop again, after a while I heard the backdoor open and then she appeared from the back smiling as she greeted me. I smiled at her, and waved slightly to her and then said “nice to meet you, is there any special event going on?” as I was motioning to all the color schemes around the small shop. 

She piped up smiling replying “yes there is, I'm getting a new shipment of different teas that will be with the shop permanently and i just wanted to spread the word, i'm not done decorating.”

Intrigued, I was about to ask what kinds before she cut me off with the slam of a loud box on the counter, “since you're my most valued customer you get to try them first.”  She started to take the teas out of the box and hand them to me. There were 6 new teas all in medium sized containers. I happily took the containers to look at them tho only one caught my eye 

Lavender tea with blueberries

The same tea in the dream, it even read great paired with honey and sweet treats, the same in the dream. I also wondered if it tasted the same back at the time. I've never had lavender tea, only green and black or maybe a floral or two but, either way I thanked the tea lady for an early access and went on with my day.

I went out front to the store grabbed Scout and left to my next “task” all my real errands outside were done that day but two, check the plants and go get groceries two simple things i figured id check the plants first since i was closer, the plants were not mine but i still took care of them because no one else would. There were 3 flowers outside the apartment, planted there to look nice. 

Blue larspark, a red rose bush, and a young pink foxglove, not too young. I planted it there because the neighbors said they liked pink, so I bought the seeds and planted them a while ago. They were happy when it started to sprout, especially the little kid she found the plant to be amazing. They were nice people and good neighbors so I didn't mind taking care of it and letting the little 8 year old help when it just teaches her about gardening.

I took the water bucket and watered all the plants, then sniped some dead leaves at the bottom and I was done. For now.

Scout likes the plants so much that he almost died because he tried to eat some of the foxglove.


  New edit;

Her eyes always unnerved me, in the dreams I saw her they always felt real, unlike the fastasty that surrounded me they felt like a spiral of emotion that i couldn't reach that i didn't know. They were real to real in the dreamland that we played in. 

Like a painting they were beautiful but in the most tragic of ways.

She was strange, unnervingly so, her glances with her to human eyes as we danced to the music, her mannerism of unease as she poured me tea, her cautious hands as she helped me set the table, her symbolic messages she tried sending me all those years we knew each other.

She was a smart woman, she knew something was wrong the day we met, but I was to blind to see what was wrong or her warnings of what was to come. 

She tried and I was simply to blind to see.

Or to stupid to care in the ways I should have. 

Always wide to wide but real it shouldn't be real.

She felt animated ? or. She felt blurry?

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