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Anyone else? (kinda philosophical and long lol)

So ive thought about it for awhile and i think i know what i want in life, well not exactly but i ha ve a rough idea of what i want. 

the best way to put how i image my future is the fig tree theory.

the fig tree theory is basically all the possiblitys in life your own life in spesific, every fig on teh tree is a life you could live, and the fig tree theory also ties in with the butterfly effect strangly enough, if you know both theories they actully make sense the more you think about it 

but anyway, the way i see my life or at least the way i want my life to be is in 3 ways i listed them on how much i want each if not all

1. become a psychologist and marry possibly wiht kids in a nice home

2. live peacefully on teh rural countryside or in northern michigan/canada married homesteading

3. live a crazy fun but safe live motorcycles and travel reading every book and meeting everyone

i really want every single thing i listed but i know its not possible, in life you cant pick and choose the direct direction it goes, you may have ideas, anibitions, dreams, and emotion but there will be times when you dont have control and thats what makes life fun not knowing, but also the downfall of it.

sometimes i wish i could live a thousand lifes, who knows maybe i have maybe everyone has, but i wish to remember if so 

lifes to short to do everything i desire but i do believe everyone should make the best of it, to reach what they can and life something their happy with

i hate being 13 :c 

little body big dreams


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