Dan Krugs

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1750mg edible trip report

Category: Life

Today I went to a gas station in New Paltz to reup on my supply of alt cannabinoids. They were running low on the usual delta 8 edibles I normally get, so I got some edibles that are a combination of thcp, thcx and delta 9 thc. The container was 3500mg total, but I decided to play it safe and only eat half. These are some strong edibles, this is the most I've taken so far and I'm not feeling too p... » Continue Reading

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Some of my recent downloads

Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

It appears CERN opened up another portal recently, causing more demons to be freed from the abyss so they can wreak havoc on the timeline and cause general chaos. This probably happened on November 25th, 2023 and went mostly unnoticed until a few days ago. I will admit it put quite a dent in my plans, like I said in my previous post I was looking forward to having another shroom trip soon, but it ... » Continue Reading

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Something positive

Category: Life

https://youtu.be/b2r_SKEUkDU?si=geJ0aAfdVwgY549e This is a video I filmed of myself drinking weed water. My parents felt bad for not wanting to help me get shrooms even though they condone my weed use, which is kinda weird. We had an argument about it the other day that got so bad we ended up canceling the trip to DC we were supposed to take this weekend. So they decided to take me to a dispensary... » Continue Reading

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— 11 Kudos

My living situation

Category: Life

Disclaimer: I am writing this to vent about my living situation and how it feels to be a targeted individual living in NY. While I might sound suicidal in this post I'm not, I have no plans of harming myself or anyone else and I'm scared to attempt suicide because I could end up in a dimension that's worse or if I fail it would mean having to go back to a psych ward. While I sometimes wish I was d... » Continue Reading

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— 5 Kudos

Synchronicities I've experienced involving the number 7

Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Throughout my life, the number 7 has come up in my life in strange ways. In this post, I will write about some of the strange experiences I've had related to the number. Aside from the fact 7 is viewed as a lucky number and there are many examples that are clearly visible to people, including the number of continents that supposedly exist and the weird mark people have on their hands that looks li... » Continue Reading

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My thoughts about Thanksgiving

Category: Life

Thanksgiving is a satanic holiday that celebrates genocide of humans and turkeys. The origins involve supposedly feasting with Native Americans while the government was also waging war on them. Currently it celebrates the genocide of other animal species, mostly turkeys. The "turkey pardoning" tradition that happens before is particularly disturbing, turkeys who are "pardoned" are likely to have f... » Continue Reading

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The weird dream I just had

Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

I just woke up from an extremely weird dream, and am writing about it for documentation purposes. I feel like this dream was an astral experience where I was viewing things from the perspective of an alternate version of myself in a parallel version of Earth. In the dream I had my phone, which I don't always have my phone in my dreams but it's something that's been happening a lot lately for some ... » Continue Reading

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Explaining my ndes in detail

Category: Life

In this post, I am going to explain some of the ndes I've had in detail. I've had 3 significant ndes that I can remember, and probably a few other experiences that could be considered ndes even though they're not significant enough for me to vividly remember. I'm not going to be including my salvia experiences because I probably wasn't in actual danger even though it felt like I was. I'm also not ... » Continue Reading

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Reasons I feel the simulation is evil

Category: Religion and Philosophy

I feel like some people could still be confused about where I stand on the nature of the simulation, so I'm writing this to clear things up. Even though I completely believe this is a simulation, I don't agree with how the creator is currently running it. I also don't agree with the idea of creating a simulation in the first place, especially since the creator likely knew what the consequences wou... » Continue Reading

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My thoughts on ubi, and why I feel it's necessary and will happen in the future

Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

The government has stolen resources from myself and others, probably most of the people they claim to represent. This means they owe us money, and we have a right to pressure them to get it. This is where ubi comes in. It's basically prosperity funds where people are paid a certain amount of money just because they exist, instead of having to work in order to survive. The government having stolen ... » Continue Reading

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The Event

Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

https://youtu.be/_O4B_NTkBVs?si=qHsn-CnVhCboQ495 This link is to a video showing a visual representation of what will hopefully happen at some point in the future, when the simulation reset/ascension event happens. I'm not entirely sure if the event will even happen. I've had visions of an ascension event happening where we all ascend into the higher dimensions of the simulation, so there's a good... » Continue Reading

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3 Comments— 2 Kudos

The archon virus

Category: Religion and Philosophy

The simulation was infected with a virus at some point in the past. I like to call this virus the archon virus because it's attached to interdimensional demons, often called archons that control this world in the shadows. Somehow, they figured out the best way to control the world is to subject the world's most innocent beings to maximum amounts of fear, which creates a type of energy called loosh... » Continue Reading

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