Careienne (care-en)

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Careienne (care-en)'s Blog Entries

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Proximal Development and Schemas | Careienne

Category: Blogging

Hello!! It's Careienne! (Obviously, as stated in the title of the post).  This is a post I wrote but stayed in the drafts! I forgot to click the post button! #silly #hilarous #sillywoman #xD So here it is! After pregnancy, I noticed I still carried a couple pounds. I had no issue with this, but I noticed that the limited exercise I did had an impact on my stamina with exercising. Consequently, I k... » Continue Reading

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Erikson's Psychosocial Stages? | Bob.

Category: Blogging

Hello. It's Bob and Jerry. We're here yet again. Just married now. » Continue Reading

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Morals and Morals and More Morals | Careienne

Category: Blogging

Careienne here again!! According to Kohlberg, Lakynn should begin developing her morals. As a result, I have made sure to take note of any actions that would aid in helping me understand if she is developing properly (or ahead! Of course, as she usually is.) I will most » Continue Reading

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Cognitive Development | Careienne

Category: Blogging

Hello girls, guys, and pals! It's your favorite blogger that is not a husband stealer!!! AKA Careienne! I am here to update y'all about little pure sweet adorable Lakynn.  She has definitely been growing a lot lately and her development is CRAAAAZY off the charts! Way ahead of the game. For instance, she showed progress in the sensorimotor stage when she started playing with her blocks. She would ... » Continue Reading

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Parenting Styles | Bob... Again

Category: Blogging

Hello. Again. I am writing this as I know Careienne will not be honest with herself or her audience if she writes this on her own. Per research, I would categorize her parenting style as authoritarian. Growing up with permissive parents, Careienne is trying her best to give our daughter the opposite experience. I am now realizing she is going too far, though, as she will lay down strict rules with... » Continue Reading

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Lakynn's Attachments | Bob

Category: Blogging

Hello. It's Bob.  As per the custody agreement, I am here to document Lakynn and her development. First of all, she has finally started to show habituation toward her tutu. At first, she would refuse to wear it after I put it on her. She would cry and attempt to rip it off with her hands. After a few more attempts, she ceased this reaction. She barely pays any attention to it now. Lakynn has also ... » Continue Reading

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Announcement. (Relationship / Misc.)

Category: Blogging

Bob and I have decided to split up. Sadly,  we decided that marriage and a child will not fix our relationship problems. We will have split custody of Lakynn starting next month. We will be taking turns on this blog documenting Lakynn and her development for sentimental reasons. This is the last time I speak of Bob.  » Continue Reading

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Lakynn's Milestones (Maturation)

Category: Blogging

As Layknn grows older, I will continue to update this post with her milestones. I'm especially looking for her walking and her first words! Two months: she held her head up all by herself! I didn't even have to support her! I'm sure this is definitely quicker than the average baby. Lakynn is sure to be a genius! Seven months: I was in the bathroom when Bob shouted that Lakynn was sitting up on her... » Continue Reading

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Category: Blogging

Although, it was a TOUGH competition with the names.. With two X chromosomes, Bob and I would like to welcome little Lakynn!! UPDATE: As I was writing this, I went into labor. I am here to announce that I have successfully delivered l » Continue Reading

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Research :) (Prenatal Development)

Category: Blogging

Bob's working late RN. We got into a teeny tiny argument, so he decided to stay and work overtime. Being the perfect housewife I am, I have already cleaned the entire area of the house and dinner is cooking in the oven. SO..... I DECIDED TO RESEARCH STUFF ABOUT BABIES! For my baby of course! I'm here to share my newfound knowledge with all of you! Right now, my little sweetheart is in the zygote s... » Continue Reading

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