In a previous post , I touched on the importance of understanding what Shadow Work is before just diving right into it or giving into a product on social media. One of the tips mentioned in that post on beginning shadow work was to keep a shadow work journal. In this post, however, I'll be sharing a lengthy list of journal prompts that I'll personally be using for myself. I figured I would share t » Continue Reading
It's not exactly a secret that being mentally ill (or pretending to be) on TikTok and other social media platforms was a pretty hot trend for a while in 2022 and 2023, so it should be less of a secret now that to combat this, it appears that mental wellness has become the new trend. Introducing the » Continue Reading
Why on earth is anyone trying to prioritize sex? I've just been on a couple forums today and so many people are admitting to being "violently sexually frustrated". Another person once compared needing sex to needing oxygen right in front of me. I don't think people understand, this gives off very r*pey vibes. If you are seriously craving sex to the point where you are going to turn violent, you ne... » Continue Reading
Dear Jessy, Hi... it’s me from the future. You go by Jessica now and you much prefer it that way. You used to get so mad when people thought your name was short for Jessica... but turns out you’d come to love it. You’re 31 at the time of writing this and you’re... believe it or not... you’re okay. Well... as okay as you can be for someone enduring all you’re enduring. I f » Continue Reading
So, you're contemplating suicide and you're not sure where to go, this is about the most honest and blunt, most uncensored post you're going to find on the topic and why I feel you shouldn't do it. Plainly, I feel you shouldn't do it because the problem you have is temporary. It sure doesn't feel like it right now. In fact, it probably feels like life is singling you » Continue Reading
Now, that isn't to say that I dislike them. I like receiving a genuine, thoughtful trinket out of kindness. How sweet and thoughtful, that's lovely, but I am not a person that expects gifts. I'm a person that loves to give and loves to please people. It's a blessing and a curse. He doesn't believe me when I tell him I don't care about getting anything. Well this year for Valentine's Day, he insist... » Continue Reading
Perhaps it's because I have a spectrum of a sense of humor, but I can see the humor and light-hearted intentions sprinkled and dolloped around the HBO original, Velma. This series has so much controversey around it, so naturally I had to see for myself what exactly was so bad... and I have a different perspective. Others don't like Velma because right off the bat, we see tha » Continue Reading
Trauma is a full time job. Your trauma is your responsibility, my trauma is my responsibility... nobody else's. It's something that I've been contemplating for a while, but I'm going to face the facts. I'm now that lady I'd always ignored when I was younger. I have become the "when I was a kid" person. I am the person that says... "when I was your age." I'm also the person that's going to admit, "... » Continue Reading
Jeffrey Dahmer has never looked sillier portrayed by the media, I think, and I struggle even now, as a cPTSD patient to see how this show would be even remotely triggering to any audience because of its blatant inaccuracy . Call me insensitive as you see fit, but as someone who studies this type of thing purely out of interest, I feel I have a bit of room to step up onto my soap box. This short, p... » Continue Reading
The text I'll be referring to is called the Infancy Gospel of Thomas . This is not a topic that is up for debate, as this information was found by visiting actual local churches as well as researching online and asking other people - even devout Christians who can attest to this being a real, actual document somewhere out there in the world. Your way is not the only way, truth, and light, but one ... » Continue Reading
Honestly, I almost didn't write this post... but I think for personal reasons, I should. I've come to learn a lot about myself in the past few years, but 2022 was a bit... different. I learned about patience and near-loss. I learned about pronouns and social issues. I learned a little about politics and what I want to see in the world... but most of all, and I think this is far more important than... » Continue Reading
I'm well aware that this post may bring me some controversey and that's okay. That's what waking up does and I won't be ridiculed for your personally experiences regarding my personal truths. We're all afraid, aren't we? When it comes to standing up for what's right, why don't we? It's fear. The thing is, at the risk of sounding like a typical conspiracy theorist or whackadoo, we don't have money ... » Continue Reading