at home. phone is at 2% now. it will die soon. i’ll charge it. tomorrow is friday. :-) today was a pretty bad day, but again, tomorrow is another day. "/> since im not on my school chromebook i can actually put in a gif LMAOOOO right now it is 8:58 p.m. i hope youre all have a nice evening or day! body{ background-color: #67041F !important; background-image: url('http://animated-gi » Continue Reading
fml. i want to go home. i only have about two hours and forty-five minutes left. its 11:58 A.M. right now. im in fourth period. something happened during lunch between my friends me and me. i’ll give a quick summary. i was waiting in life for food during lunch and was talking to my friend. my other friend, who happens to be my ex-bf, kept tapping my head so he could get my attention. it annoyed me... » Continue Reading
during lunch, out of frustration, i told my friends that i didnt care about my friend (who used to be my boyfriend) and i didnt want him to sit with us :( theres more to the story, but i dont feel like explaining it right now. i might later, or if someone asks i'll do it. im just going to put it out there that hes still very much into me. hes always following me around in school, walking me from c... » Continue Reading
got me up so high trying to get a piece of that apple pie /* background of the page (i.e. left and right of your profile) */ body { background-color: #000; font-family: 'Balsamiq Sans', cursive; font-size: 16px } /* your profile itself. main does not encompass the header/footer, which I prefer to leave alone */ main { background-color: #fff; color: #bd1c71; font-family: 'Balsamiq Sans', cursive; f... » Continue Reading
here are some websites i like to get on! : pretty self-explanatory! if a message isn't sent to this website within twenty-four hours, it will delete itself from the internet. its come a long way. its already two years old : you can tune in to a lot of radio stations live around the globe! theres also an app for it on the playstore. : this we... » Continue Reading
lmao im sitting in a seat sideways and one of my classmates went, "megan. thats not how you sit in a seat." "{name.} im sorry." *sad face* "...okay." *safe face* also, i thought my friend called me emerald when she was saying my initials because we call each other by our initials, so i gave her the nickname "Top Dog." LOLLLLLLL i love her! we call each other sisters. shes my older sister. /* backg... » Continue Reading
loook, i finally learned how to import fonts from google fonts! i also learned how to add line breaks B) im learnding this font is so cute! its Balsamiq Sans. its one of my favorite fonts to use in docs! :^) /* background of the page (i.e. left and right of your profile) */ body { background-color: #000; font-family: 'Balsamiq Sans', cursive; text-transform: lowercase!important; } /* your profile ... » Continue Reading
the other day, i was watching the latest episode for the owl house, and let me tell you, that episode changed my opinion on kikimora. at first, i really hated her s /* background of the page (i.e. left and right of your profile) */ body { background-color: #000; } /* your profile itself. main does not encompass the header/footer, which I prefer to leave alone */ main { background-color: #fff; colo... » Continue Reading