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futaba art ~~
Category: Art and Photography
why are all of the art i post always so big ~? oh, it's the quality .... i had lots of fun testing my simple style here , do you like it? » Continue Reading
☆ 🇵🇭 genderfluid, 13-15, he/him pref, fil/eng
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SpaceHey Blog URL:
— 10 KudosPinned
Category: Art and Photography
why are all of the art i post always so big ~? oh, it's the quality .... i had lots of fun testing my simple style here , do you like it? » Continue Reading
— 2 Comments— 5 KudosPinned
Category: Art and Photography
goodness that s quite big on my screen !! i still have a long way to go with my artstyle . but i learned a lot of things while drawing this ! this might be one of my favorites artworks , too , even though it was supposed to be just a doodle ~ ( fun fact ! the sketch i made for the body / base fitted both akiren and saiki , s » Continue Reading
— 1 KudosPinned
Category: SpaceHey
i'm not all that picky about dni lists, don't worry. but i've seen a bunch of people here that i don't really like, and a few even tried sending me friend requests, so just to be safe, i'm still gonna list my preferences. basic criteria: racists, homophobes, transphobers/terfs, ableists, xenophobes, pedophiles!!... ...or if you make racist jokes knowing fully well how they hint at racism. those fr... » Continue Reading
Category: School, College, University
it's 4 am and i have a math exam in a few hours. i only studied 2 out of 6 lessons. i tried staying up all night to study, but i quickly ran out of energy... i had a math project due yesterday, too, but my teacher is nice to where she doesn't deduct points if we submit late, but she also has a deadline, so i have until friday until she starts giving the late submissions minus points. (we have to ... » Continue Reading
Category: Life
body:before { content: " "; height: 100vh; width: 100vw; display: block; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 100; background-image: url('https://media.tenor.com/Vl-pwtuiQbgAAAAC/take-your-time-persona-five.gif'); background-color: black; background- » Continue Reading
— 4 Kudos
Category: SpaceHey
Here's a preview: I used the Stylist extension and a whole buncha !importants. Inspect was very handy while making this! Of course, I'm fully aware that this looks almost nowhere close to my profile's own theme. I'm still trying to improve! I'll update this as I go. I just wanted a simple and dark theme fit for my eyes. I'm typing all of this at 1: » Continue Reading
Category: SpaceHey
Hey! So I've been trying to update my profile for the past few hours, but for some reason, the updates can't be seen, and the code is back to how it was before I updated it. I can't figure out the issue!! I've no idea if it's a tag that's not allowed or anything...?? I can't even check which one it is, or if there's a bug in the code, because it's so huge... Can anyone help me with this??? Any bit... » Continue Reading
Category: Books and Stories
despite having the book for ages, just recently did i start reading and liking twilight. and you know what happens when a silly fella like me gets an interest in something. you just know . a p5r shuake x twilight au has been plaguing my mind every second of every night. even as i type my brain is going 130 mph thinking about it. i'm still at the part where edward introduces bella to his family, a... » Continue Reading
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Category: Dreams and the Supernatural
you already know what to expect! recently i've been taking a liking to tarot readings. i even printed out a free version yesterday and had to cut all of them so i'd have a deck. i'm still in the process of learning them properly, though! i only took an interest in them because i did One 3 card spread reading and a celtic cross and it all fit so perfectly! i even did some more with other people in ... » Continue Reading
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
Around late '22 to early '23, I made a neocities.org website in less than 3 days after learning basic HTML and CSS. However I quickly lost interest in continuing it and the various other pages I had planned for it, due to CodePen being pay2use and me barely knowing anything about proper coding, leading to a very messy code. On June 16th, I started using Replit and decided to remake it! I've barely... » Continue Reading
— 2 Comments— 1 Kudos
Category: SpaceHey
i got bored and decided to check the blog tab. the first few posts i saw was a man in his late 30s being tr4nsphobic and h0mophobic, a p3dophile, a gr00mer, and someone defending pr05h1tt3r5. are you guys being serious? like, this isnt bait or anything? are people really fighting here ? out of all places? on a literal recreation of myspace???? » Continue Reading