Hey! So I've been trying to update my profile for the past few hours, but for some reason, the updates can't be seen, and the code is back to how it was before I updated it. I can't figure out the issue!!
I've no idea if it's a tag that's not allowed or anything...?? I can't even check which one it is, or if there's a bug in the code, because it's so huge...
Can anyone help me with this??? Any bit of help would be appreciated!!
But I'll be honest here-- if you only comment "idk about this either sorry :(" or anything equally useless or informative, I'll probably delete your comment. I don't appreciate useless comments like those in times of need! I've experienced this far too many times.
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βΎ sylvia
hey i saw ur bulletin!! you're trying to add blinkies + stamps, yes? and the code seems to appear completely unchanged...
by the sound of it i'd think that something in your current code is conflicting with the new things you're trying to add, perhaps a placement/layout clashing issue if that makes sense?? so it just gets overruled with the original code
the only other reason i could think of is that some or all of the content you're trying to add can't be run through the security's proxy. what source(s) did you get the images from ?
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Usually from other people's profiles, carrds, Tumblr, Neocities sites, and that one graphics site with blinkies ;; and If it's something 'clashing with another thing', again I can't figure out what the things are in the first place, or how to "overrule" them.
by β 4SH/FUTABA .α β [πΆβ ]; ; Report
everything there should be a-okay source wise so it's probably a really annoying tiny tiny bug somewhere :( there's some html validators online which can look through your code and detect any issues they find so i recommend attempting to use one of those!
by βΎ sylvia; ; Report
oohh okok tysm !! but all of the validators i've tried so far didn't help as much ;; they were just unnecessary comments like / at the end of tags and imgs needing alt descs, and etc...
by β 4SH/FUTABA .α β [πΆβ ]; ; Report