you already know what to expect! recently i've been taking a liking to tarot readings. i even printed out a free version yesterday and had to cut all of them so i'd have a deck. i'm still in the process of learning them properly, though!
i only took an interest in them because i did One 3 card spread reading and a celtic cross and it all fit so perfectly! i even did some more with other people in mind and they all fit them. it's so cool how these pieces of paper i messily cut with my own hands know that much about me....
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I used to have this friend that was super into stuff like tarot cards, they were a wiccan. very cool stuff! but something she told me was that your first tarot card set has to be given to you, otherwise it doesn't work as well... or something? dont quote me on that one though
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If you're given them it definitely does work better, but it's not required, and the same goes for making it yourself! Making magical things like that yourself is also incredibly important to witchcraft, so while your Wiccan friend is right, there's also no real wrong way either :3
by MaxwellsDomain; ; Report
ohhh i see! thank you for helping, my friend :3
by SlimySniper; ; Report
Clerical Heretic
It's an easy way to get into the craft! Remember not to overdo it, or you'll risk letting something through though.
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noted! thanks for telling me (bβ uβ)b !
by β 4SH/FUTABA .α β [πΆβ ]; ; Report