just to be safe, a dni/please don't interact list!

i'm not all that picky about dni lists, don't worry. but i've seen a bunch of people here that i don't really like, and a few even tried sending me friend requests, so just to be safe, i'm still gonna list my preferences.

  • basic criteria: racists, homophobes, transphobers/terfs, ableists, xenophobes, pedophiles!!...
  • ...or if you make racist jokes knowing fully well how they hint at racism.
  • those from subtwts from twitter such as: edtwt, shtwt, poppytwt, leaktwt, smiletwt
  • i don't really care if people around the ages of 15-17 interact with me. (i only have a few friends in that age range.) but they just feel weird! i dunno, i'm but a small baby to them!! (18+ are on thin ice, but feel free to friend me nonetheless!)
  • those who are okay with the "loli" or "lolicon" term/s (it just feels very weird. sorry!!)
  • thoseΒ kind of pricks who purposely try to anger someone/frequently engage in fights, drama, etc.! i've been tangled in many situations with people like these. i'd rather not have those things happen again!

okay, yeah, i might be a littleΒ picky. but this is to make sure my head doesn't explode or anything!!

have a nice day!

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