Holly carp Otter saved our asses last night. That kid has better gloves than Goldberg from the Might Ducks and the way our front line was struggling to play "pass the puck" like it was a beer league for the first period and a half, he earns whatever the hell he wants next season as long as it doesn't put us over the cap. What the heck is going on, though? Was Pavelski THAT much of a playmaker fo... » Continue Reading
ALWAYS A RANGER Ok, it's nostalgia bait out the ass, let's admit that REAL quick. That said, it's pretty damn good nostalgia bait. I was wondering how they'd get out of not having Jason David Frank, Austin St John, or Amy Jo Johnson in there but having th » Continue Reading
The proverbial double edged sword for creatives, the greatest potential but also the greatest challenge, a fresh blank page in a new notebook » Continue Reading
I've gotten comfortable enough with a few songs in Suzuki Book 1 that I'm taking the next hardest step: actually playing in time with a metronome. And God is it like stepping back to 1st base omg. Trying to watch my bowing AND listen to my playing AND the metronome is like trying to ride a unicycle while patting my head, rubbing my stomach, and chewing gum. I'm getting there, but this is maddening » Continue Reading
There are many perks of being on-site IT, including having a "fly on the wall" status where you may hear office/company drama without actually being involved in it, but one of the best is when you make friends in departments who then "accidentally" over order meals for meetings. » Continue Reading
Like many people online, I deal with ADD/AHDH. Mental fuzz. Too many cooks in the kitchen. Etc. But I had a solid half the day yesterday where I was able to actually, fully, BE PRODUCTIVE. Like I hit the flow zone but it wasn't just for a single thing and it didn't stop when my train of thought went somewhere else, I was just able to actually focus on it instead and be useful. But today, I'm ... » Continue Reading
And lo the words were spoken, "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh P'trk Stu'mp R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" and did the Elder Emo arise from the depths, calling "Thanks for the memories" and blasting eyeliner upon the masses Watching an iilluminaughtii video on Flyleaf and just heard her use the term "elder emo". Wife confirms that is the preferred nomenclature. I'm fucking dead lmao » Continue Reading
Normally I don't mind the rain, I even enjoy it for the most part. But there's a paper mill north of here. And if you don't live near one, be grateful, because it smells like rotten eggs and sewer gas. And guess which way the wind and rain are coming from today » Continue Reading
hellz yeah. we gettin the band back together! I was honestly surprised by the end, with the Armorer telling Bo to take her helmet off. I had the shower thought, "what if one of the Watch members wants to upgrade or has to repair their helmet?" a couple of weeks ago, and with the mythosaur stuff going on, I initially expected her to add something to or at least repaint her helmet for her. Then s... » Continue Reading
I finally got to do a proper violin practice again tonight, the first time since the whole family went on our cruise a couple of weeks ago. Either the weather's been bad for it or, like last Wednesday, i spent the whole practice time trying to fix up someone else's violin (do NOT get a 5yo an adult, full sized 4/4 violin, PLEASE). My fingers are a little sore, my bowing is a bit off, and my finge... » Continue Reading
Finally once again it's not too cold or actively misting/raining/foggy/etc that I can practice my violin under the stars, and a wonderfully clear night it was tonight. Mostly full moon with Orion (those 3 dots just right of the center are Orion's Belt) looking down on me as I play for my recently departed pups. Sad part » Continue Reading