So playing "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" at the Christmas parties fell through. Just wasn't able to learn it in time. Since it's now past the Christmas season, I'm taking a break on it and moving to one a bit easier, Ode to Joy. So far I already have half of it down! My son and I have been watching Summoning Salt's videos on speedrunslately though, including Wii Sports. As it happens, said son... » Continue Reading
SECRET PROJECT! SECRET PROJECT! I love having secret projects. Normally I have a group I share the deets with since it's usually something I'm making but this time is different, it's something I'm learning to play. The title is a bit of a hint but I kept it deliberately short in case anyone I know IRL stumbles on this. I've only put in about an hour or so tonight and I've already got the first 7... » Continue Reading
Being a Buddhist living in Texas, it's hard to switch off of meat, especially at the holidays. Spiral cut ham and full cooked turkeys are obvious, but even the stuffings this year weren't safe from giblets and bits of turkey meat in them. Not that they weren't delicious of course. One of the things I used to look forward to after Thanksgiving and Christmas, though, was the day or two of leftover... » Continue Reading
I'm very good about staying distracted from... everything. Either through the magic of ADD or the myriad of things I can do on my phone cough reddit cough combined with earbuds (youtube, podcasts, etc), i can stay mildly distracted from the world unless i want to be. or sometimes not. We have 2 poodles, well, a black poodle and a white maltee-poo. And Charlie, the poodle, his health has been g... » Continue Reading
So back in the old school year of 1998, when DSL was still only barely starting to creep across the land of the US of A and most of us still heard screeching of dial up to get online, there was a great city building game called Caesar 3 released. It spawned a number of better built/balanced games in the following years, a couple I demoed back in the day, but this game still holds a place in my he... » Continue Reading
Our second entry comes from across the pond where a church built over 600 years ago has had a clock stopped for over a decade. What killed it? The lads in the article below say it was dead pigeons and lack of grease. Damn you, sky rats! » Continue Reading
Welcome to The Weirdest Timeline, where we diverge from the normal doom and gloom of society, IRL and virtual, to look at the things that make us wonder if we're in the Weirdest Timeline after all. This entry comes from the Animal Welfare League of Virginia, who tweeted out about Henny Penny, a Rhode Island Red chicken who managed to somehow find her way onto the Pentagon grounds on Jan 31st. How ... » Continue Reading
I think more and more I'm getting into the "retro web", like this from about Project Gemini , a way to browse the web via text only. There's caveats to it, like the catch-22 for there not being a lot of servers because there's not a lot of users because there's not a lot of servers etc etc, apparently, but I haven't » Continue Reading
Looking for other people doing PLA challenge runs and for submitting challenge ideas. Not going to list any solo-type or solo-mon runs in the Ideas area unless they have a unique aspect/challenge to them. If you're doing a challenge run (even a solo-type or solo-mon), comment below and I'll add it to the list! If you're streaming it, please include where you're streaming/links to the vids and, o... » Continue Reading
Having ADD, general anxiety, and tinnitus is a recipe that most of your day and virtually every night will be mentally scrambling from one topic to the next, hoping to keep your train of thought from crashing and burning in the chasms that it runs over. But every now and then. Every great once in a while. You have a night where things just work and you actually relax and get to be productive. » Continue Reading