I'm aroace but I wanted to specifically highlight aromantic experiences because the stigma around it makes me so sad. It is important to state that I don't think one is more important than the other and I think it's somewhat unproductive to label one's negative stigma as "worse" than the other. That said I've noticed that a lot of the stigma surrounding being asexual comes from outside and being a... » Continue Reading
I was getting bored but life has been too overwhelming for me to keep up with regularly bleaching and dying like I used to so I wanted something different. I got my sides shaved to form a lil frohawk! I think it's so cute » Continue Reading
Like a few weeks ago I was feeling one of my really bad swings of depression again and I was seriously thinking it was over for me and then the universe started fucking popping off fr. Not even half way through and already this year has been one of the best years in FOREVER for indie horror/psych horror/analogue horror lovers. I already mentioned how hyped I am about the revival of the fnaf fandom... » Continue Reading
I stopped playing Cult of the Lamb for a while because I got super caught up in other stuff and also depression and then I didn't remember anything so I restarted and it's such a good game. Look at this silly dude He's such a tiny guy He wants YOU to join his cult » Continue Reading
TW mentions of transphobia, suicide, r*pe . . I'm so tired of people. I hate humans. I hate being human. I don't know why humans think we're the greatest of any evolved species. We fucking suck. Literal penguins have more empathy for those who are different than we do. They have gay couples that adopt orphaned eggs and they're just like all the other penguins. But when human gay couples exist the... » Continue Reading
It's like really freeing and gender affirming and stuff but it's an adjustment. I'm still very feminine presenting so like if it weren't for the blaringly obvious scar I'd just look like a flat chested woman so I worry people are like missing the scar and it just seems like I'm flashing people. My surgeon told me yesterday that I should start sitting out in the sun for like 15 minutes a day to sti... » Continue Reading
Blumhouse lowkey just forced me to continue living for the rest of the year. Depression has lost to nerdiness. I can't die without seeing the Fnaf movie. And it's coming out on October 27th, my birthday is October 28th. The universe was like "stfu it's not your time yet" and threw this in my face /j. Cuz like since it's basically my birthday my mom cannot object to coming with me and I'm gonna get... » Continue Reading
And she has always had a surprisingly strong fucking grip. She has no claws front or back (already like that when we got her at a shelter) but her fingies are stronk. One time we had to take her out of our apartment and into our car because the fire alarm went off and when we needed to bring her back she was under the seat and REFUSED to let go. My dad could barely get her out. How » Continue Reading
Massive TW big rant about depression, suicide, self harm, eating disorders, and dissociation. . . . . Stayed up super late distracting myself so as to not relapse. Still wasn't very good coping. By the time it reached like 10 am I realized I can't just go to sleep for the day because Generation Loss (super cool live horror project coming soon) is having the first merch drop today. I'm waiting for... » Continue Reading
Putting effort into getting dressed up feels A MILLION times better after having top surgery I'm literally so fucking cool and hot and awesome my god » Continue Reading
TW discussion of self harm I've been doing really well recently. Working on a lot of self reflection in therapy, learning to accommodate my needs, properly coping for once, and I'm almost done with my transition. I feel like I should feel great because things are great right now but my brain still works in extremes and it's so easy to kill my mood entirely. I've also been discussing interpersonal ... » Continue Reading