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Category: Food and Restaurants
Have yujdvu kg c on we brutk GC ntndyjrymriney jk tumeukurkrkurkeukrjrk » Continue Reading
"I like fun :3"
girl, she/them, 15
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Category: Food and Restaurants
Have yujdvu kg c on we brutk GC ntndyjrymriney jk tumeukurkrkurkeukrjrk » Continue Reading
Category: Web, HTML, Tech go check it out :D » Continue Reading
Category: Life
Diaries have always been so strange to me. I mean I know they help for letting out your emotions, but for me, writing always seems like a task, and I simply my words so much that its hard to write long pages about my day, its also weird cause what time should you start writing? also every time I try to have a diary, I lose interest after a week or two. I don't know if I'm just doing them wrong or ... » Continue Reading
Category: Web, HTML, Tech check it out, mention me in shit idk go crazy » Continue Reading
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural
I know superstitions are supposed to be just stories but how do people just see things that don't exist and how does it effect people?! Im pretty sure I'm over thinking it tho » Continue Reading
Category: Life
You ever just wanna cry, but you can't? You've gone so far holding back tears that you can barely release them? Yeah this me right now. So much, too much is happening. The creator of UNDERVERSE is getting cancelled, I'm tired, both mentally and physically, I haven't slept all night, my mom snapped and brushed me off multiple times, and no matter how many times she apologizes there will be hurt in ... » Continue Reading
— 1 Kudos
Category: Art and Photography
Category: Music
Make of this what you will song is by Billy cobb ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ green sweeter than wine a forest full of feet the sun is shining backwards on the gravel of the street my hands are trembling calmly with the waving of the sea a sea of yellow fishes that need to alcohol to breathe and i'm forward with the current of the tides I'm floating through marsh... » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
Diaries have always been so strange to me. I mean I know they help for letting out your emotions, but for me, writing always seems like a task, and I simply my words so much that its hard to write long pages about my day, its also weird cause what time should you start writing? also every time I try to have a diary, I lose interest after a week or two. I don't know if I'm just doing them wrong or ... » Continue Reading