I'm actually excited for Halloween this year, I have even picked out a costume. Inspired by my zodiac — the Capricorn ♑️ — I have purchased a hairband that has rams antlers with purple and pink flowers attached to it. I will wear clothes in coordinating colors. But — I have to question my excitement for this year's All Hollows' Eve? Nothing particularly excited is taking place. I'm » Continue Reading
These are ideas if you are suffering writer's block or if you are considering writing a gratitude journal. There are four categories, you can pick and choose from. Four Categories: Relationships : An old relationship that really helped you An oppo » Continue Reading
Nostalgia for the past bares its nails into the present flesh blood of the future drips from our old bones. We are tired, left exhausted of having to pick up the pieces » Continue Reading
This is a long-winded post, so bear with me. I recently read an article published on 19th February 2016 from Dazed Magazine interviewing Skinny Girl Diet, a punk trio. The article was entitled "The badass girl gang calling BS on your fake online persona" and many of the questions discussed the band's politically-charged EP and self-expression in the digital age. Maybe if it is relatable to you, ... » Continue Reading
In the fourth season of Charmed , Episode 18, we learned that vampires had attempted to overthrow the Source, in their failure were punished. Forced into exile until a new Source of All Evil is announced, legions of vampires ruled by the Vampire Queen hope to someday to return to the Underworld in all of their glory. Decades later, Cole, the new Source of All Evil, is met by one of the Vampire Qu... » Continue Reading
Despite the hardships — (i.e., opening up old wounds and reliving a harmful past) — that the unauthorized Pam & Tommy Hulu series caused, I'm really proud of Pamela Anderson for reentering the spotlight. Recent successes include being the lead in Chicago in an off-Broadway production and now she has written another book about her life available for pre-order entitled, " Love, Pamela ." » Continue Reading
March 19, 2022 Pale legs painted with gake tan Bleached, fried hair ~ lifeless of vibrancy and dull colored roots; freckled, green eyes fo » Continue Reading
Anna Nicole Smith is synonymous with gold digging. Her ample breast & platinum, peroxide drenched blonde hair created the gold digger standard. The stereotype. Anna Nicole Smith always defended her relationship with 89 year old J. Howard Marshall. A billionaire. Her defensive nature put th » Continue Reading
This is something I wrote on October 3, 2018.* ***context:// I was a freshmen in college. During my first year which wasn't living up to my expectations. I was considering changing my major, then eventually did. This was written on a bad mental health day and mentions menstruation & hate towards religion. October 3rd Pubic hair and periods. Disgusting. Midterm, pubic hair, p » Continue Reading
With Spooky Season upon us, I thought I would offer some Halloween costume idea starring Anna Nicole Smith. Anna Nicole Smith as a Showgirl Anna Nicole Smith as a Genie » Continue Reading
I knew... I walked across the high wire between your heart and mine As I float light as a feather across your arm Becoming putty in your hand I knew... I knew that I made a grave mistake A miscalculati » Continue Reading