This is something I wrote on October 3, 2018.*
***context:// I was a freshmen in college. During my first year which wasn't living up to my expectations. I was considering changing my major, then eventually did. This was written on a bad mental health day and mentions menstruation & hate towards religion.
October 3rd
Pubic hair and periods. Disgusting.
Midterm, pubic hair, period, and running nose. Torture.
Eve ate the apple and now women must be punished. Didn’t Adam also eat the apple?
From the forbidden tree.
God is a sexist.
My thesis paper.
Yes, he is real. But he is a sexist.
Religion is sexist. Religion expects a particular gender, women, to be submissive and loyal to their husbands is sexist. It almost requires it. To protect against hell and damnation.
I bled through today.
College is weird. It’s nothing like Hollywood makes it out to be. Parties. Rape. Rude professors.
I hate my Speech 101 class.
My Art teacher has a few screws loose.
My freshman year has been easy in regards to the classes I have taken so far.
I don’t want to be a teacher.
But also don’t know what else is there for me?
Writing gives a sense of relaxation but I don’t have the courage to make this my artistic endeavor. Or the ability to make it successful.
I want to have the confidence to post this on a blog of my own.
Unfortunately, I don’t.*
***Now, look at me :)
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