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2 Comments— 9 Kudos

The only acceptable type of cringe/cringe culture

Category: Life

The only type of "cringe" or cringe culture that's acceptable imo is the kind where it's someone actively making an ass of themselves and you laugh at them, instead of it just being like "hey look at these people in a fandom, that's CRIIIINGE right?" Like the kinda vdeos that make you wanna shrivel up and die is the kinda cringe I like (and like to laugh at). For some good examples of what I mean,... » Continue Reading

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— 3 Kudos

Another cool dream I had

Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

I had another dream last night, though it was pretty sweet imo and I also wish it was something that ACTUALLY existed. It was one where I found this webcomic that was super cool and full of violence, it was about this snarky (kinda tomboy-ish) catgirl who's going on this mission to take care of this enemy base, and she sneaks around and takes care of the guards stealthily until at one point she ha... » Continue Reading

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— 2 Kudos

Dream I had about a game

Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

So I had a dream about this game idea that doesn't exist and it honestly doesn't sound that bad, so figured I'd make a post about it. The game was where you're on a boat with a couple other crewmates, and you're on a journey to get from one island to somewhere further away (dunno exactly where though, just remembered that was the goal), and it's sort of a rougelike and RTS game where you have to m... » Continue Reading

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2 Comments— 6 Kudos

I don't care about internet drama

Category: Web, HTML, Tech

Title really says it, I honestly don't care anymore about most internet drama, it's usually just two idiots flinging shit at each other over (usually) nothing and everyone else milking it for internet points. The only time that I care is if someone's exposed doing something actually bad, and even then they better have some damn good evidence going against them. » Continue Reading

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2 Comments— 2 Kudos

Deleted my Facebook recently

Category: Web, HTML, Tech

It was LONG overdue but deleted that account as I basically never used it anyway and I don't want Facebook having my personal info either. The only reason I had it was because my family uses it but like I said, I never used it so there was no point fo having it. » Continue Reading

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2 Comments— 4 Kudos

I don't really see the appeal of furry conventions/meetups anymore

Category: Friends

Title kinda says it all. I don't really "get" the appeal of furry conventions, at least anymore. I went to FWA last year and while I enjoyed it I thought it was gonna be super awesome but it kinda wasn't, it wasn't TERRIBLE mind you, just not really what I expected. It's probably more enjoyable if you have friends or something but I'm a larry loner so that's a big issue there for me, and I'm not e... » Continue Reading

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— 1 Kudos

I love America but...

Category: News and Politics

This country is ran by bozos. :P I'm not gonna be all like "this country is the worst ever, it's a third-world country" or some dumb bullshit like that. I genuinely quite love it here (even if I liked Japan more, but it's comparatively worse to live there permanently as opposed to just a few years), but there's a lot of issues that need to be addressed (i.e. healthcare costs, gun violence, rising ... » Continue Reading

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4 Comments— 1 Kudos

I fucking hate being unemployed

Category: Jobs, Work, Careers

Title says it all. Used to have a good paying job too (as much as I hated food service), and it was at least something to do and I got paid for it. Now I have less than $200 in my account and I'm bored out of my goddamn mind just about every day. Applied to some places too, but 2 of them rejected me and I'm just waiting from 2 others and idek if I'm gonna get those. All because my family thought i... » Continue Reading

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1 Comment— 1 Kudos

Sparkledog form

Category: Art and Photography

Find it weird how I never made a sparkledog form for my sona, even though I have one for her snep form. Anyway, made one. » Continue Reading

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Revisited a comic idea I had about year ago

Category: Writing and Poetry

Made a post here sharing a comic plot I had a little under a year ago, and recently revisited the idea, so figured I'd share here since I expanded on it a bit since then. » Continue Reading

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