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Category: Life

Something that annoys me to no end

This is really gonna sound like a rant bit I just need to put this out there. Something I absolutely hate is when you bring up or post about something you like, only for some guy to be like "UM, ACKSHULLY, [x] IS THE WORST THING EVER", and the whole time I'm just like "bitch I didn't ask you". It's especially noticeable when it's something that has sizeable detractors or is slightly controversial in some way, because it happens all the damn time, like if I bring up something like say, South Park, there's some guy who's gotta say how the show is awful or some shit whenever I bring it up. I'll admit I'm a bit guilty with that, but most of the time I just keep my mouth shut, no need to shit on what other people enjoy just to make me feel good/superior.

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°★°zeke°★° 's profile picture

fr i feel like many people on here agree cuz spacehey seems to attract alt and non mainstream folk which will most likely have interets that can be shit on if you're nitpicky enough. depending on how problematic the media is it really is just super annoying, unnecessary and unwarranted. an exception I have for that is bands and musical artists tho, cuz a lot of people would have to cut out like half of the artists they listen to if they were to never consume anything by anybody remotely problematic again. so I don't rly judge when people listen to bands that have bad reputation or have done bad things, cuz tbh same

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EMMET!!'s profile picture

YES!!! I absolutely agree with this statement (though it depends if the media is EXTREMELY problematic) but shows like Southpark are just genuinely funny at times, if somebody likes a piece of media there's no reason why you should shame someone for it! Everyone has different likes from emo to country and I always stand on the fact to let people enjoy what they like!

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nex♫'s profile picture

DUDE HONESTLY and its always so unwarranted because they only say it because they want to make the OP feel like shit for liking the media in question?? Genuinely who asked, like okay if you dont like it thats fine but why make others feel like shit for liking it (this CAN have its exceptions depending on the media but just assuming we're talking about a normal show).

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SaltyVinegar's profile picture

Thats why I don’t like telling people that what they like is shit, even tough I may hate it with a BURNING PASSION and I don’t like making people feel bad about their interests.
ALSO REAL, like leave alone please, I don’t care if you find insects gross or weird, LET ME TALK….

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Nic's profile picture

"How can I add to this conversation? I know, I'll just invalidate everyone else's opinion. This is a normal method of socializing."

- actual thought process of many people

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d3ath's profile picture

STOP I hate this so fucking much, okay I love "emo" music and I was playing it and you can hear it and someone said "Who has fucking mental issues"... like what? I was doing my work at school peacefully and I told them to at least try it they did and then got mad because it was rap or rnb which they knew idk. some people need to get help or mind their business-.

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