The less you use social media, the better

Pretty sure I've mentioned something like this before but honestly if you want your mental health to increase a fuckton and to become a happier person, legit stop using social media. Sites like Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, and others are just made for you to get sucked in and turned into a perpetually angry person with their algorithms which basically encourage you to suck in and share negative posts/news, which just spreads it around to a lot more people. Not helped by the plentiful echo chambers where basically everyone is the same, which just increases the cycle tenfold, so the less you use social media, the better off you will be in the longrun. Granted it's not easy to just quit outright, but when you do you it feels like a weight has been lifted off your shoulder.
Though admittedly this mainly applies to the big social media sites, smaller websites like this are way better than the big social media platforms, especially since this one has no algorithms, so you'd have to go out of your way to find negative stuff.

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Hazel's profile picture

Social media, with heavy moderation, is okay. I gain inspiration, new ideas and relatable memes for my friends from social media, but it can quickly become a burden when I let it consume me.

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