the halloween season is officially over, and thus so is my trial-run back among the living. tutorial's complete; i am officially a human being, breathing and whole. it feels weird. i feel weird. there's now a space for a retrospective on what was officially the worst period of my life, a period i thought would never end. a period i genuinely thought would kill me. turns out, coming as a surprise ... » Continue Reading
GUESS WHO GOT A RESPIRATOR AND GOT TO WORK ON THE BIRTHDAY SCULPTURE I'm really proud of how it's going so far, right now i'm letting the gorilla glue on mickey dry overnight but here it is in the dark! next step is to fix the flowers to the stand and paint over the mickey drips. progress progress progress! » Continue Reading
why do people with less baggage always say their life is boring when you share things with them? i would kill to be boring. i would genuinely kill to be the one who says "man, i've never done anything!" you've got childhood friends, a history you can talk about, intact memories, a solid sense of what's real and what isn't real, the worst thing you've ever had to deal with is your parents' divorce ... » Continue Reading
today i realized i could use my soldering iron on plastic and immediately got to work burning holes into stuff, i'm working on mangling one of those funny transparent plastic light-up lamps into a birthday gift for my brother, will post a pic when i'm done, but unfortunately for everyone in the house i forgot that when plastic melts it releases an Evil Miasma that makes you think stupid and feel b... » Continue Reading
i got a job working at a haunted house on top of being a manager at the halloween factory >:) meeting to get casted soon, i wonder what sort of creature they'll say i will be, being paid to chase people and go BOO!!! has always been the dream, ever since i was a larva, very excited about this development, ive been applying to haunted houses since i was a teenager so finally getting to be in one is... » Continue Reading
today some guy came into the store and asked all sorts of deeply suspicious questions while making intense eye contact with his arms crossed. like he seemed really nervous, he kept going "wow... there must be thousands of dollars of merchandise here... is there thousands of dollars of merchandise here? is a manager around? where do you keep the extra merchandise? is there a warehouse somewhere clo... » Continue Reading
today for the first time in like 3 years i cleaned my guitars and gave them new strings and i forgot how good it can feel to have fresh strings and clean fretboards my bass is REFLECTIVE she's so CLEAN the bass is the biggest victory tbqh i love playing bass more than any other stringed instrument because its so big and gentle and i haven't been able to play bass because the strings broke » Continue Reading
recently a good friend told me a dream she had about gnomes (with the pointy red hats rosy cheeks etc) falling into heavy machinery and dying violently, torn apart in the gears and presses. it was a nightmare, and she woke up feeling horrible i wonder what the significance could be, but mostly i have been obsessed with this imagery. gnome factory accident is one of the funniest nightmares i've eve... » Continue Reading
spent my day off today driving for hours and hours instead of doing anything productive, which is fine i think ever since moving back home, and breaking the 5 year "missing persons" streak, i've been driving long distances as often as possible. there's something about driving that makes everything feel light. recently i drove to wisconsin and back just because i could i love seeing the sky, and pe... » Continue Reading
wowwie kazowie what a website :D !!! its been a long time since i tried anything social outside of a very specific microblogging platform so this is exciting !!! working at halloween this year has been exhausting but nice, it's good to be in a place talking to people regularly, plugged into life and the world on my last day off i recorded three songs (one for my cat, one about moon food, and one a... » Continue Reading