Around 10:55 pm CST on 8/3/2021 my brother got in a wreck and passed away, now I just don't know what to do with myself. If there's a heaven, hopefully he got to go there and see our dad and his baby girl that passed last year. Then again it brings me to the point where I'm stuck thinking that if there is a god, it's a cruel and terrible one. Too many good people has passed recently weather it be ... » Continue Reading
The past year has been rough for people in my town. (Well it has for everyone ig) We've had multiple teens take their lives or pass in car accidents over the last year so I decided this year I should spread some positivity. Usually my foundation focuses on Homeless Outreach, but this October I'm hosting an art contest instead. Titled the Starving Artist Contest, 20 Students (5 From Each Grade) Wil... » Continue Reading
Where Do I Want To Go? This is a section that I've basically left blank on my page since I made because it's a serious question. I'd like to travel the world, see the northern lights, do the mini docu-series in Slab City, walk the ice bridge from Alaska to Russia, there's just so many places I'd like to see. To be honest I probably would've made it to some of those if I never met my wife, but that... » Continue Reading
Well shit.. I've been discovering something about me lately that I thought was just a phase. Let me take you back to high school for some context. In high school I really like this guy and as I'm typing this, I realize this is the first time I've ever told someone. Congrats reader, you know something my wife doesn't. Anyway.. I was always too scared to say something then it became too late. Like a... » Continue Reading
How do I start this??? Happy Pride Month! I may not be in the LGBTQ+ community myself, but that doesn't mean I'm not here supporting it. On the 7th, my son is a turning a year old and it's crazy to see him growing so fast. Then on the 8th I'll be getting a tattoo for a friend who passed away in April earlier this year. I finally got the okay on a location I'm using for » Continue Reading
The last few months have been difficult... I've finally gave up on my band dream, because once again the people who said they're wanting to be part of the band, don't. Whatever, fuck it. I helped a bud » Continue Reading
We were inseparable, or at least that's what I thought.. When I was a child I moved to the small town of Kilbourne, Illinois and I knew absolutely nobody. Then one day I met the boys. Branson & Keane, still in their cribs. A couple years passed and since our parents were friends we spent a lot of time together. As we got older we stared exploring the town, playing in the woods next to their house... » Continue Reading
3/13/2021: Today I'm making a mini garden, I'm planting Sage, Impatiens, and Spearmint. With what we bought, it's a mini green house. Smells funky though. I'll update everyday with a picture » Continue Reading
WARNING I'M USING MY LAPTOPS CAMERA SO IT'S SHITTY QUALITY 2:40 Today I'm going to the cove, might do some foraging, I'm not sure yet. 2:50 The place I'm going to is inside of Bellrose Island. Due to winter just ending, it looks like shit here, but that's okay. I s » Continue Reading
SORRY IF THIS POST UPSETS ANYONE, I'M JUST TRYING TO FIGURE MYSELF OUT. I seem to have an issue with myself.. I used to be a Christian, I went to church all the time and I believed in a god and everything, but after my ex's miscarriage that changed. For a while after that I was agnostic, but I started dipping my toes into other religions eventually. Now I find myself learning from multiple differe... » Continue Reading
Once again I've started studying Herbal Alchemy and Medicine Making. It ties in to the stuff I already look into being a green witch anyway, but while I was thinking about it and actually looking into it I run into a National Geographic at my local Dollar General titled: NATURE'S MEDICINE Healing Foods, Medicinal Herbs, and Natural Remedies » Continue Reading