INTRODUCTION Long time, no see friends. I have been super active on Twitter these past few years. I am very active on the emo/scene corner » Continue Reading
Doesn't it sound like some sort of Fall Out Boy song title? But I could be far from joking about this. This is actually how it went down: I was scrolling through Instagram reels the other night and I found one from a user named muchlikefalling (og's from 2000s emo deviantart might see w » Continue Reading
Hey guys! I know a lot of you newbies have LOTS of questions about emo, (ie. "How do you do the style", "what bands to listen to", "what websites to visit", "where to get clothes", etc.). What if I told you that there is a long ass book that answered these questions that was published in 2007. It also has amazing humor in it too. It will tea » Continue Reading
WARNING: THIS BLOG CONTAINS ANTI-WORK THEMES! I feel like when I mention that I am anti-work, people automatically assume that I believe that I want a job and want everything just handed to me. That is obviously ridiculous, because as a society, we DO need work. When I say I am anti-work, I am ACTUALLY talking about being anti-work culture under capitalism. » Continue Reading
I LAY STREWN ACROSS THE FLOOR PIECED UP IN SORROW THE PIECES ARE LOST, THE PIECES DONT FIT, THE PIECES ARE INCOMPLETE AND EMPTY... (TW: Severe Depression, Suicidal Ideation) I hate to be another addition of the harmful stereotypes » Continue Reading
WHAT IS LIFE RIGHT NOW?? This past week has been nuts. I tell you first, its the plumbing issue that I mentioned in my last blog entry. This is still an issue by the way. We still have our sewage and grey water spilling from that open pipe into our backyard. And » Continue Reading