This song came out of absolutely nowhere without any teasers whatsoever from the band or label. I have been a fan of My Chemical Romance for many MANY years. I remember so clearly the day that MCR called it quits, and how bummed I was that I would never get to see them live cause my parents sucked about me seeing concerts back then. I was straight up obsessed with the band to the point that I listened to their discography so much, that I got totally burnt out on them. I was hoping that when MCR got back together on Halloween 2019 that they wouldn't just be a legacy act that only toured on old releases. I NEEDED new music from the guys. I was getting so discouraged over the fact that it has been over 2 and a half years since their reunion that we had ZERO new material from the guys. Until May 12th. I was at work and when I saw in an old group I used to be active in, that someone shared the link to this brand new song, I almost thought it was fake. But I was so pleasantly surprised that it was VERY real. I couldnt listen to the full new song at the time though cause my airpods were dying and I didnt want to listen to it out loud around the patients. I waited til I got home later that night so me and my girlfriend could experience the new song together. We were both impressed to say the least.
This is how I described the new track to her:
"It's different but it's still rock with punk and metal influence. Kinda Avant Garde, but goes hard. Its edgy, kinda running in the opposite direction of Danger Days. Very brooding to the likes of The Black Parade but with an even more serious overtone [like Bullets or Three Cheers]. They changed just enough in experimental ways without letting go of their roots and keeping what made My Chem- MCR."
I like to emphasize how My Chemical Romance wasn't just an "emo band". The guys never stuck to the same sound their entire career and always changed things up between every album/era of the band. Danger Days doesn't sound like Three Cheers as The Black Parade doesn't sound like Bullets. I definitely noted that they were doing some post-rock and prog rock styles in points of the track, as well as one of the very first true breakdowns the band has ever done. I like to be grateful that this is the MCR we received post-hiatus compared to similar situations with other bands. I am looking at you Fall Out Boy...
MCR didn't come back and completely genre hop over from rock to pop. MCR was very importantly the perfect blend of the best of both of those genres, but now that the world has become more fucked up over the last few years, MCR made that deep cut, and went darker than ever before. The world needed MCR and they came to our calls. And it seems the internet is quite divided over just HOW good this track is. Some say it is mid-tier for the band, especially for a comeback track. And everyone has a right to their opinions. Mine is that I believe that this is just a warmup. This is their first song in 8 years. And I think what we will get next is gonna blow our fucking minds.
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totally it came out of nowhere and its a banger i love it sooooooooo much best thing ever tbh
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