recently, early instant messaging platforms such as aim, msn, and yahoo! have been making a comeback. 2 all those who didn't know, aim, msn, icq, and yahoo! were sum of the earlier instant messaging platforms popular during the 1990s and 2000s. they remained popular during those times, however, by the early 2010s, those platforms started 2 decline in favor of skype, imessages, snapchat, hangouts, ... » Continue Reading
so, it has been exactly 1 yr since my journey on spacehey began, february 10th, 2021, 2 b more specific. my life has changed 4 the better ever since i joined this site. my mental health was getting a lot better after having experienced the shit show that was 2020 going in2 2021, much like every1 else on this world. but w spacehey, i was able 2 bond w ppl who understood and had the same interests a... » Continue Reading
wow!! it's been over half a yr since my last blog post. i also just realized that it's gonna b a yr since joining spacehey, starting february 10th. but anyway, let's get 2 the point of this blog post. as u can already tell by the title, 2021 has been a yr of nothing but struggles. it wasn't as bad as 2020, but it still was a rough yr @ least 4 me. b4 and after i » Continue Reading
this probably may or may not come as a surprise 2 anyone, but i am FUCKING TIRED of social media "influencers." yes, i used quotation marks bc they rlly don't influence anything @ all. all they do is get into drama and scandals, come after marginalized groups by making fun of them, get plastic surgery and deceive their followings by saying that they haven't done so otherwise, photoshop their pictu... » Continue Reading
unpopular opinion: the 2010s were an AWFUL time 4 fashion and beauty. I SAID WHAT I SAID!! so, recently, i have watched this video: and it made me think "WOW! THOSE R WHAT HAVE BEEN THE NORM 4 SO LONG!?" as an 18 y/o who grew up in the late 2000s and 2010s, i wasn't all that i » Continue Reading
so i've been on spacehey 4 the past 2 months now, it's still in its beta phase, and i STILL dk how 2 customize my profile, i just made my first bulletin, and now i'm making my first ever blog entry smh... when i was a child, social networking platforms like myspace, aim, icq, msn, yahoo, geocities, hi5, and livejournal were all the rage. so, i missed out on all that. now we r in the day and age of... » Continue Reading