Category: Games
since im going back to school soon, ill be walking around so much more so if anybody would like to be my friend on pikmin bloom plz add me !!! » Continue Reading
call me mango!
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SpaceHey Blog URL:
Category: Games
since im going back to school soon, ill be walking around so much more so if anybody would like to be my friend on pikmin bloom plz add me !!! » Continue Reading
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
finally started to get sick of the default windows 11 start menu bc it just doesn't make sense to me and is harder for me to navigate and dl'd open shell. its so fun n nifty you can even replace the start button with a little aero button and it has a little animation like in windows 7 ^u^. sadly the glass effect on the menu doesnt work but it works so lovely » Continue Reading
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Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping
this will be part 1 of a probably series of mostly vents and just my feelings in general. :P. for this first part, i'll probably just need to start with a little bit of exposition. ever since i knew what the scene culture was (so when i was bout 8 or 9ish), i had fallen in love with the idea of becoming part of it. 10 years later, i only got a side part and fringe a couple weeks ago. what i mean t... » Continue Reading
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Category: Life
well i've been a bit absent from this website and recently just opened it up again just cuz :P! i see a looooot of stuff has gone down. its all very troubling to me, and i don't quite think i wanna pay attention to it and i also don't have to. for now, ill just debrief whats been going on since i left i finished my first year of college, yaay!! very cool me! all A's too :3 i've been having a great... » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
good morning peoples, whoevers reading this! good morning from where i am at least :P! been fairly busy, always been busy >n < but it'll get better!! (i hope) as most people are probably aware of, the solar eclipse was this monday. i got to witness a partial eclipse from where i am, and my dad even gave me the special glasses before i went back to school after spring break. my family actually drov... » Continue Reading
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Category: Life
Yesterday's opera went pretty great, lots of loud applause from the audience :3! My sister was even there to watch it and she enjoyed it a lot :D and then after I basically dumped everything I've learned from the wiibrew wiki and she didn't understand shit but I'm just glad that she listened hehe We're waiting to go in the pit once again :O my roomie and my friend and their gf are watching in the ... » Continue Reading
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Category: Life
Sharing from ma phone bc today was a busy day! We're abt to go in the pit for act 2 of the opera :3. Maybe if I have time I'll update how it went later. This is my first time being in the pit :O. One time I auditioned in high school to be in the pit for Anastasia but the first two chairs of each section got in :P. Kinda expected, but I'm glad I tried at least My pass or fail class had its first se... » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
mango's second day in the studio >:3! i've gotten everything customized the way i'd like for now. i really enjoy the layout i found! i'm hoping that once i have more time i can learn some basic html myself and fully customize it, definitely a project for another day turns out when i told my friends abt this website, they wanted to hop on immediately and that made me really happy :>. still need to ... » Continue Reading
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Category: SpaceHey
hey its me mango, but i guess no one here really knows me but if i add my social media then those ppl will know me. this is my first blog and blog post! i dont think tumblr really counts even though they are (were?) called blogs but its become more social media-y over time :/. i know that myspace was a huuge thing back in the day, and i was feelin a lil nostalgic for something i never experienced ... » Continue Reading