As someone who's been a gal for a while now, doing a regular look and putting on good clothes everyday gets exhausting. It gets exhausting sometimes when you do the same look over and over again for people who seemingly don't care or who don't like your unique look. It gets exhausting when you spend time planning an outfit only for it to look wrong and for you to grin and bear it when people stare... » Continue Reading
Everybody thinks that us gals have it all - the confidence, the looks, the makeup; I mean, we totally have all of those things. But trust me when I say that the life of a gyaru is a tough one, especially in a community that doesn't celebrate individualism and instead pressures you to conform to their somewh » Continue Reading
Wow, it's been a while since I've written a blog entry, hasn't it? I'm sorry for keeping everyone waiting! Since November's last entry, there's been a lot happening. All questions will be answered via comment, so if you want to ask a question, feel free to submit any burning questions you have about Gyaru » Continue Reading
i just bought a portable cd player, which means all of my old CDs have some use now. I'm currently listening 2 some TWICE since it's been a while since I listened to their music. i also have a name amuro cd coming in by Wednesday - rlly excited!! another thing I collect is digital cameras. my first o » Continue Reading
Hey there! This is a quick blog that I'm hoping gets people involved and commenting and stuff. I'm planning to hold a Q&A sesh for the next blog which is all about gyaru and overall J-Fashion. This is your chance to ask any questions about anything to do with gyaru or fashion in general. You can even ask for my opinions on certain things, like fashion choices and subcultures. Watch out for the blo... » Continue Reading
Author's Note: Good day gals! Sorry for the very late upload - this past week has been hectic. For starters, I've basically never been free or available to actually sit down and write a blog. I mean, I'm basically going out everyday at this point - this Saturday I'm getting my friend's eyebrow pierced and I'm also taking my bf on a date since he treated me last time. Soooo... sorry for the late up... » Continue Reading
Gyarus and gyaruos alike are almost always seen dressing to the nines, and it is super tempting to wanna splurge a crap ton of money just to look like them. When I first started out, I really and I mean really wanted to buy out all of the discontinued brand clothing. But guess what? You don't need » Continue Reading
A gal/gyaruo can always be recognised by their big hair, good makeup, and flashy clothes. But first, you've got to build that base of confidence before you step out into that big world! Trust me, it's nerve-wracking going out in gyaru for the first time. I mean, it's intimidating being the only hottie in » Continue Reading
So, you wanna be a gyaru/gyaruo, but you have no clue where to start... I mean, they just look so cool! Look at those belts, those nails, that big hair, that makeup - where do you even begin? Well, that's where this blog comes in handy! Let me be your guide for all things gyaru. body { background-image: url('http:// » Continue Reading
Ah gyaru, wherever would I be without it? I've spent many years looking for a subculture that I really connected with - trust me, I really tried. It wasn't until just two years ago where I decided to try out this style popping up on TikTok called 'gyaru'. And although my first attempts at makeup and shoppi » Continue Reading
this is an upgraded blog about me for anyone and everyone to read call me k I love fashion and gyaru, and I love researching all types of substyles and subcultures I also love makeup and digital cameras I'll mainly be posting about stuff like fashion, digicam reviews, etc. that's all abt me. no you do not need to know my age or anything else other than my name and pronouns, which are any pronouns ... » Continue Reading
i love being a gal, and i will continue loving it until all the fake tan runs out of supply or there's no more big lashes and only wispy lashes. however, there is one thing that keeps running in the back of my mind - what I like to call the golden age of gyaru. gyaru was like.... everywhere like you could just get super cute gal brand clothes that weren't $400 on depop and probably were too small ... » Continue Reading