Gyarus and gyaruos alike are almost always seen dressing to the nines, and it is super tempting to wanna splurge a crap ton of money just to look like them. When I first started out, I really and I mean really wanted to buy out all of the discontinued brand clothing. But guess what? You don't need to buy anything and everything just to look cute. A small step goes a long way, and once you keep reading you'll know the whole scope of gyaru fashion!
First, fashion in a subculture isn't without its misconceptions. I mean, it's practically impossible to avoid. Let me summarise a few but very important points for you guys:
- You don't have to have brand clothes, but there is an easy and cheaper way to get them if you don't want to use apps like Vinted and Depop. Both apps are, however, great options for online shopping! I have an account on both.
- Don't ever shop fast fashion! It looks tempting, but it'll only look tacky if you can't shop good quality prices.
- Thrift! I know what you're saying - all you see in your thrift are grandma clothes. But don't worry - that's what DIY is for!
- Take time building your wardrobe! Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will your wardrobe. Plus, your wallet will 100% thank you.

First, here's a little lesson in history - certain substyles came in and out of fashion. Here's a summarisation of substyles, just as a guide. They aren't in chronological order, but you can watch a few videos that I'll link at the end if you really wanna get into your gyaru history, alongside other resources I personally used!
- Yamanba, manba, and romanba. There are a few older 90s magazine scans of all three of these, but romanba died out relatively quick compared to the other two. These are also referred as kuro gals due to their tans.
- Ayumi Hamasaki also influenced the shiro gal movement - these are gals with lighter skin, and have a 'girlier' look.
- Onee gal started appearing in between manba and romanba, but not many dressed in that style. Regardless, it was still popular.
- Amekaji, based on American street style
- Rokku, romaji for rock. A slightly more extreme version is goshikku, the romanised version of gothic.
- Hime gyaru and himekaji - hime gyaru is the more extravagant and princess-like style, whereas himekaji is lighter and more casual, and supposed to represent what it's like for a hime gyaru to have a day off.
- Tsuyome - A less extreme version of manba. It's mainly just black, white and gold, with those super iconic D.I.A belts.
- Agejo - This style is something for adult gals, since it's something that a lot of Japanese hostesses would've worn.
- Ganguro - this is the OG style - deep tans and bleached hair.
- Gyaruo - this doesn't have as many substyles as gyaru, since gyaru substyles are more feminine. But, styles include salon kei, tsuyome, amekaji, and manba.
- Roma gyaru - it's actually short for romantic! It's similar to himekaji.
- Oraora gyaru - mainly tracksuits made cute. I know, I also thought it was impossible. But they made it cute, so I guess everything's possible, huh?

And now... some detailed tips for shopping for gyaru!
- Look out for miniskirts, patterned tops, accessories that you can layer, mini denim shorts, (even better if they're lowrise! I have a super cute pair with transparent sides covered in sequins that I thrifted thanks to my friend spotting it for me.) belts, high heeled shoes and or big boots. Even look for trainers if you wanna go for an amekaji/bright and vibrant look!
- If you can't find anything instantly, then start learning how to DIY. A sewing machine is heavily recommended, especially if you're in on it for the long run. It's such a good investment! Otherwise, if you can borrow a sewing machine, that's cool too. You can even add your own charms to belts, boots, and accessories, and you can even make your own charms!
- Depop and Vinted are great resources, but only when it comes to non-specific brands. There are many, and I mean many way-too-expensive brand resellers, and it's just so disheartening to see. But, look for things that you know you'll be able to style. Here's a confession from me actually - I don't own any brands... but that's fine! I'm still expanding my collection, and I would love to house a D.I.A belt one day.
- Say NO to fast fashion. Fast fashion only focuses on trends, and in super low quality. I know it sucks, but trust me, those industries are shady. Don't risk human lives for a shirt that won't last a wash.
- Japanese proxy websites are a great resource for brand clothes - think Neokyo, Mercari, etc. However, shipping is expensive... make sure to guarantee it's within your budget! Don't overspend unless you have a reliable source of income.
- Just have fun with it! Fashion and shopping should be fun - whether you do it at home or go around your local charity shops like I do, you should always enjoy it. You don't have to shop everyday!
Woah, that was my longest blog so far! That's an achievement. Anyways, thank you everyone for all of your support so far. Remember to give kudos if you liked reading this blog, comment, and subscribe for further guides! Watch out for future blogs, and remember - get wild, and be sexy!
Hello Lizzie Bee Blog
Gyaru Wiki
Gyaru (Wikipedia article, but only small parts of it)
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