Useless online quizzes I took
Category: Quiz/Survey
Pouring them all here so it doesn't clutter up my profile. Will be updating. so far I have taken 7 quizzes How Mature Do You Think? Hosted By » Continue Reading
"Not being on the party"
Person on the internet.
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Category: Quiz/Survey
Pouring them all here so it doesn't clutter up my profile. Will be updating. so far I have taken 7 quizzes How Mature Do You Think? Hosted By » Continue Reading
Category: Life
A few years ago I did this test and it said I'm an ISTP. Personally I feel a bit skeptical on this matter because I think everyone has a unique personality and therefore couldn't be classified in this way (Meyer Briggs test). Similarities between ISTP and me Firsthand experience is good troubleshooting is a good normal socializing is not good changes in interest every so often gives people a bad i... » Continue Reading
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Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
My dad came home from the hospital with 7 boxes full of DVDs labeled as "Rec Therapy". After I sort them into stuff I want to watch later I’m thinking about posting my thoughts after watching each movie and if I’d recommend it. I think It would be a nice idea because I would have something to do and you guys can find new things to look at. I gonna be sorting these for a while so until then, maybe ... » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
What do you guys think? Power went back on so I wrapped it up early » Continue Reading
Category: Music
Pinch rollers were covered with brown Made me question if the original owners even cleaned it. » Continue Reading
Category: Music
Today, while I was looking at YouTube shorts slop I saw this meme about a specific way of rewinding cassette tapes which went a little something like this: Not an exact copy but you get the idea. If the image didn’t load, the meme was about rewinding tapes with pencils. I thought that it be a u » Continue Reading
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Category: SpaceHey
I’m not too active here because I spend most of the day on my hobbies and specific kinds of websites (not the weird ones because I’m not a gooner). When I most recently checked up on the blog section of this site, I read that Spacehey is infested with gore and callout blogs. I’d like to know, is this all true because whenever I browse this site, I usually don’t encounter those kinds of things. Am ... » Continue Reading
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Category: Pets and Animals
I think my dog named max (I know, it's kind of a basic name for a dog) is pretty cool. My dad got him back in 2016 from one of his friends and I think I have enjoyed having max around. I recently heard from my dad that max's breed wasn't recognized until pretty recently. I always thought that max's breed was known and recognized before that because nobody really mentioned it. » Continue Reading
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Category: Romance and Relationships
What does it mean to support them? I’ve been seeing this kind of phrase being thrown around on the internet with many saying that they do support the LGBTQ, not outside though because… ya know, I live in Florida. Because of this, I’ve been wondering, have been supporting the queer community. I researched a bit on how people support the LGBT and I have come to the conclusion that to support the LG... » Continue Reading
Category: Music
I will now proceed to burn all of my favorite albums and computer programs onto them. I think this could’ve been a bulletin. » Continue Reading
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Category: Life
We’re some of the words my dad spoke after I explained how I mixed my largest batch of black powder yet. I get that my dad is concerned about my safety but I know what I’m doing. The creation of black powder for me recently has gone swimmingly, I’ve been adding improvements to my process enabling me to create bigger batches of it every time I decide to make some. For example I have improved my mix... » Continue Reading
Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes
If I’m successful in this endeavor, I will rewire my alarm clock to “set off the fireworks at specific times.” Am I starting to lose my mind? This creation of “fireworks” has always been kept at the back of my mind and just surfaced rece » Continue Reading