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Category: Music

Why rewind tapes with a pencil?

Today, while I was looking at YouTube shorts slop I saw this meme about a specific way of rewinding cassette tapes which went a little something like this:

Not an exact copy but you get the idea.

If the image didn’t load, the meme was about rewinding tapes with pencils.

I thought that it be a useful tip if I ever wanted to bring my cassette tapes on the go (probably never) so I tried it and I noticed that the pencil was too small and was not able to grab on to any of the teeth.

Why did they use a pencil and not a Bic Cristal pen or something similar to that?

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Statiscit πŸ‰

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I had this same thought once only certain pencils I have fit well enough to rewind a tape but most of the time I just use my index finger

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I'm not sure how rewinding with an index finger would work if you wanted to rewind a tape but I personally prefer to do this with a pen like the one I mentioned in the blog post to save on batteries for my portable cassette player:

by Gas station; ; Report

I quite literally just idk put my finger in the hole thing and turn it around, it’s a slow process tho and that pen technique is probably a lot easier

by Statiscit πŸ‰; ; Report