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Category: Life

“It’s getting dangerous, it’s not safe anymore”

We’re some of the words my dad spoke after I explained how I mixed my largest batch of black powder yet. I get that my dad is concerned about my safety but I know what I’m doing.

The creation of black powder for me recently has gone swimmingly, I’ve been adding improvements to my process enabling me to create bigger batches of it every time I decide to make some. For example I have improved my mixing process by adding glass marble I harvested from empty Ramune bottles into the plastic container I use to mix all the ingredients in. I have also used empty soda cans I have removed the tops off of with a can opener as cups to hold more of each ingredient.

Although I am making a good amount of powder, it isn’t burning as fast as I would want it to and according to some research I did on the internet, I need to mill the powder and what I have is referred by some as green powder.

I’m saving up for a ball mill now I guess.

On an unrelated note my dad taught me how to do an oil change. So cool :)

So cool.

4 Kudos


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awesome sauce!!!1

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Now that’s the spirit!

by Gas station; ; Report