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"watching videos on youtube"
23 years old, Italy
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boozled bean candies!!
Category: Food and Restaurants
today I watched a video on youtube and saw boozled bean candies ! does anyone remember them? :D here in Italy they were Riskia il gusto candies, ten years ago I tried them with my friends during a pajama party. (ten years ago? c r a z y!!) it was very funny, it brought back that memory. I will buy them to play again even if now the price seems to have risen and they can only be found online ughhh » Continue Reading
chat chat
Category: Blogging
Hi everyone! :D today is a day of celebration here so I will be at home. Anyone want to have a chat? Both here in the comments or in private. please no rudeness and bad intentions!!!! I would prefer that in private chat only people 20+ messaged me while here in public everyone can feel free to comment and interact. I wish you a beautiful day ❀ » Continue Reading
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my halloween pumpkin
Category: Art and Photography
happy Halloween!! :) it was a beautiful day and beautiful days end in one breath. How was your day? ps: I went into a shop for some purchases and they gave me some free sweets, I was sooo happy. when I left I said "have a nice weekend" well... it's tuesday ahah » Continue Reading
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cute trend
Category: Art and Photography
hey there! :) I saw this trend on tik tok and I found it very cute. this is how I colored it, I didn't want something aesthetic but I colored it as I felt. here also the white drawings to color, credits to the artist: bobbiegoods to color I used the picsart colors app but if you have others to recommend it would be great! If you want, share yours here, I'd love to see them » Continue Reading
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new accessories
Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping
I bought these cute accessories and wanted to share them with you. :) what accessories have you bought recently? or what is your latest purchase that you are happy with? » Continue Reading
veggie cold cut
Category: Food and Restaurants
Hi everyone! welcome to my blog. :D I was curious to try a vegetarian cold cut. I'm not a vegetarian but I like trying new tastes and flavors and I want to get closer to a plant based diet. I usually really appreciate vegan burgers and there's no shortage of them in my freezer anymore. I have often cooked delicious vegetarian and vegan dishes at home too, there is a great choice. The last dish was... » Continue Reading
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Category: Pets and Animals
Hi everyone! yesterday my uncles found these kittens in their garden, they are adorable. actually there are 6 of them but I don't have any other photos. we immediately found homes for all of them, which is wonderful news. » Continue Reading
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my old tablet ✮
Category: Blogging
Today I turned on an old tablet that I used during 2014/2015, it's a Samsung Galaxy tab 3 and the app icons remained as they were at the time... so much nostalgia! and then the tablet is almost as big as my phone now whereas at the time it was bigger than the phone I was using. who remembers dubsmash?? and retrica obviouslyyy » Continue Reading
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traditional bread
Category: Food and Restaurants
hey everyone! welcome to my blog. :D do you like bread? what is your favorite bread? Today I wanted to introduce you to the coppia ferrarese (ciopa or ciupetta in dialect), a typical *IGP bakery product from the city of Ferrara in Italy. The history of this bread is ancient, in of the most recent form we have the first evidence of it in 1536 mentioned in a book by *Cristoforo di Messisbugo which t... » Continue Reading
horror/thriller comic
Category: Books and Stories
Hi everyone! welcome to my blog. :D do you like comics? this horror/thriller comic created by Tiziano Salvi is a cult of Italian comics. Published since 1986 and still in progress, one of the most famous and sold comics in Italy. The protagonist of the comic is Dylan Dog "the nightmare detective" a former Scotland Yard agent, detoxified alcoholic, vegetarian and animal rights activist. The series ... » Continue Reading