COVID weakens your immune system in a way that's comparable to HIV and hepatitis C . SARS-CoV-2 infection weakens immune-cell response to vaccination This has already been public knowledge , but now that the National In » Continue Reading
The scenemo cultural rivival on this website is fantastic and brings me a lot of joy. However, I am a bit sad to see aesthetics sometimes prioritized over legibility and accessibility. A lot of layouts are difficult if not impossible to read and bursting with bright, flashing, looping GIFs. This is not to attack anyone or proclaim ill intent on behalf of those who integrate these designs into thei... » Continue Reading
You Can Call Me...John Video Games Here's a blank one if you'd like to fill one out for yourself! If you do, feel free to share. Someone made an extended version with more PC games; will update with » Continue Reading
Me when I realize I completely misunderstood what a character I love said during a critical part of his dialogue and have been inadvertently (and incorrectly!) projecting on him the entire time FUCK » Continue Reading
...and realize that the interactions between Constantine and Lucifer represented everything you've ever wanted in a romantic relationship? Or are you normal? » Continue Reading
I love the irony that I was never interested in "talking about boys" until I realized I was a boy and since then I've never stopped. » Continue Reading
I'm at an interesting point in my life when I no longer want to die. Just typing it feels strange. I want to live. I'm so invested in living. There's so much I want to experience. There's so many things I miss. I'm admittedly lukewarm on acknowledging that I'm worthy of all the world has to offer, but at the very least I care for its offerings now. Desire. Motivation. Drive. New to me. My conditio... » Continue Reading