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"Listening to the killers"

Rico, World famous guy-nobody boydisaster, 2003, Korean American

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Mood: blehhhhh

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7/1/2024- blog 21

Category: Blogging

Morning entry: Its quiet and empty, my body hurts. Dad's girlfriend is still here, she startled me and I got jumpy and I'm worried that she took offense to that. She probably did. There's fruit in the fridge. But my stomach hurts, but I can't take my meds if I don't eat so watermelon and peanut butter toast for the carbs to settle it. _______________________________________________________________... » Continue Reading

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6/30/2024- blog 20

Category: Blogging

Morning entry: Woke up early, sister leaves for camp today for an entire month. I can't really go because the car doesn't have enough space and sitting it the car too long makes me vomit. I'll have the room to myself, but frankly thats more demotivating to leave it. I'm thinking of moving the desk from the basement to my room. I'll figure out a place for it, It would  Played for a few hours, and t... » Continue Reading

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6/29/2024- blog 19

Category: Blogging

Morning entry: I woke up at 7am. Fell back asleep. I woke up at 8:30am. Fell back asleep. I woke up at 9:30am. Finally got out of bed. Its harder to get up the colder it is in the morning. But harder to sleep the hotter it is. But harder to get up when you've lost sleep to the heat. There is no winning. I miss my partner because one of us is always able to get the other out of bed and its always c... » Continue Reading

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6/28/2024- blog 18

Category: Blogging

Afternoon entry: Packed for dads, Dad's girlfriend, my brother and the dog went up north for the weekend, it seemed the initial plan for getting another house was to rent it out, but it seems dad's gf likes to use it to get away from dad sometimes. The tension here is notably less than usual. Not to say I didn't wish I had my brother, but I do miss the time when it was just me, my sister, and dad.... » Continue Reading

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6/27/2024- blog 17

Category: Blogging

Morning entry: Woke up early, work had not called back to give me an orientation date so I dipped into the bathroom and called- it turns out they forgot to send out all the additional paperwork to their new hires (including me) so I likely won't be starting till next week- blehhhhh.  I really hope that one person isn't there. A few years ago he asked me out on a date during work and I felt too une... » Continue Reading

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6/26/2024- blog 16

Category: Blogging

Morning entry: I think I skipped eating until lunchtime and browsed for clothes online. I'm bad when it comes to spending, not in the spending money all the time kind of way but in the "I can't decide" kind of way. I get so indecisive that I wait months and months to make my decision only for the item to go out of stock. I didn't get a birthday gift this year because I was too indecisive and told ... » Continue Reading

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— 2 Kudos

6/25/2024- blog 15

Category: Blogging

Morning entry: Woke up at 5am, I imagined I would've slept in later given I woke up at noon the previous day. But I had the energy to get up and make breakfast before everyone else got up. Coffee machine was out of beans so mine ended up really watery and gross. I had to wait till later till someone refilled it because Its expensive and I don't want to break it and I don't know where the beans are... » Continue Reading

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— 2 Kudos

6/24/2024- blog 14

Category: Blogging

Morning entry: Woke up at 7am, still felt tired, wanted to sleep in a little longer. Accidentally slept in till 11, pissed off at myself and just generally irritable that I've wasted half a day. Find out I only have an hour to make breakfast, get ready, and pack to go to dad's. Even more pissed off. _______________________________________________________________________________ Afternoon Entry: Ca... » Continue Reading

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6/23/2024- blog 13

Category: Blogging

Morning entry: It's pissing rain. Wake up at 8, fight myself to get up, big breakfast because I know I will forget to eat lunch. Practice driving, no casualties, messed up at one corner but harmless, this big truck kept tailgating me. Not bad for first time driving in a year. I cannot drive with my mother, it is like cooking with her, she does not let me do anything if she thinks I'm doing it wron... » Continue Reading

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6/22/2024- Blog 12

Category: Blogging

Evening entry: I got a very bad haircut and I do not wish to be seen frankly. It was so expensive and I didn't even get it the way I wanted, and its far too short to fixed or style- » Continue Reading

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6/21/2024- blog 11

Category: Blogging

Morning entry: Once again I am procrastinating breakfast. I think the reason I fall back asleep so much is because the blood sugar is lowest in the morning. And its hard to do the thing that will make you less tired if you're too tired to do it in the first place. Its much easier with my partner. One of us will have the willpower to wake the other and get dressed so we can walk down to the dining ... » Continue Reading

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6/20/2024- blog 10 Warm Thunderstorm Today

Category: Blogging

Morning entry: The house is empty except for my sister, it's nice and she's respectful when I need quiet time or space. I should eat breakfast before noon and remember to pack my switch and cables. _______________________________________________________________________________ Afternoon entry: I wanted to keep this blog as nice as possible but the universe is making it VERY difficult to be happy r... » Continue Reading

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