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Category: Blogging

6/23/2024- blog 13

Morning entry:

It's pissing rain.

Wake up at 8, fight myself to get up, big breakfast because I know I will forget to eat lunch.

Practice driving, no casualties, messed up at one corner but harmless, this big truck kept tailgating me. Not bad for first time driving in a year. I cannot drive with my mother, it is like cooking with her, she does not let me do anything if she thinks I'm doing it wrong and then I don't get to learn.

Dad on the other hand refuses to help me. Whatever. 

I haven't gotten my license yet mainly because my parents are divorced and both work, In America you need a sponser over that is 21 years of age or older if you are driving with a permit. We have no family friends that live near or anyone that we trust that has the time to practice with me. So it has been difficult.

I have taken driving school before, drivers ed, and numerous road tests, either failed for going too slow but mostly I have been denied to take it because of problems with the car even after we get it serviced.

Very tired after driving.


Afternoon entry:

House is mine alone, very rare at my mother's house. A long shower and Skyrim while my hair dries. I have been a little addicted lately but it makes me happy.


Evening entry:

Tornado warning for the area. I doubt we'll have issues though. Just rain at most, that's all that's been happening nowadays. It gets really hot then it turns freezing with rain for a few days.

Painted my nails in high hopes of not biting them. I want to paint them a pearl white when they get long enough.

More did some paperwork much to my distain.

Tomorrow I will be back at my dad's house. I reckon there will be much to write and I will return to my post at the front deck.

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