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Category: Blogging

7/1/2024- blog 21

Morning entry:

Its quiet and empty, my body hurts.

Dad's girlfriend is still here, she startled me and I got jumpy and I'm worried that she took offense to that. She probably did.

There's fruit in the fridge. But my stomach hurts, but I can't take my meds if I don't eat so watermelon and peanut butter toast for the carbs to settle it.


Afternoon entry:

Didn't feel like eating lunch, did some research for grad school.


Evening entry:

Played skyrim for most of the evening. I've been enjoying the hearthfire dlc. I'm going to work of my next house tomorrow at the lakeview site because the people I needed for quests to becom thane of morthal died so I can't get a housecarl and the area keeps getting attacked by bandits. I'm going to try falkreath next and move my current steward there because I don't like leaving him there without another person. He's too nice of an npc and I don't want him to die.

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