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Category: Blogging

6/25/2024- blog 15

Morning entry:

Woke up at 5am, I imagined I would've slept in later given I woke up at noon the previous day. But I had the energy to get up and make breakfast before everyone else got up.

Coffee machine was out of beans so mine ended up really watery and gross. I had to wait till later till someone refilled it because Its expensive and I don't want to break it and I don't know where the beans are.

House is empty, nice day.


Afternoon entry:

Made lunch, I decided to try putting mashed sweet potato in my mac and cheese to see if it would taste good because I felt like it wasn't really a meal if it was one thing only. It didn't make a huge difference but it was slightly sweet and creamy and I think I would have it again, I think I would've grilled the potatoes before mashing them because the sweet potato flavor wasn't too strong.

cleaned the dishes and my side of the room.

Painted my nails.

Watched cartoons with sibling and sat outside to write everything down.

I need to play my game at some point to level up. Me and my friend have been playing Wuthering Waves and we need to be at union level 22 for co-op.


Evening entry:

Asked to babysit last minute. I don't mind but if he doesn't like me communicating last minute I would rather him not either.

Whatever. He ordered us pizza and a treat so I guess its fine but still, double standard.

My little brother tends to make a very overdramatic fake voice that he probably picked up from youtubers, its a little irritable.

2 Kudos


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