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Category: Blogging

6/21/2024- blog 11

Morning entry:

Once again I am procrastinating breakfast. I think the reason I fall back asleep so much is because the blood sugar is lowest in the morning. And its hard to do the thing that will make you less tired if you're too tired to do it in the first place. Its much easier with my partner. One of us will have the willpower to wake the other and get dressed so we can walk down to the dining hall.


Afternoon entry:

I have a haircut scheduled tomorrow, so I'm very excited.

Although it would be nice to keep growing my hair, at this time I am too unmotivated to style or care for it beyond washing and conditioning, So often it ends up frizzy and unflattering, when it's short it doesn't take long to dry and less time to style.

The weather is really pleasant. I hate getting out of showers and the room being too cold, it makes me unmotivated to get ready, But when it's too hot you get sweaty right after getting clean and its annoying. But there is a warm breeze and its sunny so its nice to be outside. I was starting to burn though so I went back inside to cool off. I want to play games now.


Evening entry:

Stayed up late playing skyrim all night

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