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Category: Blogging

6/27/2024- blog 17

Morning entry:

Woke up early, work had not called back to give me an orientation date so I dipped into the bathroom and called- it turns out they forgot to send out all the additional paperwork to their new hires (including me) so I likely won't be starting till next week- blehhhhh. 

I really hope that one person isn't there. A few years ago he asked me out on a date during work and I felt too uneasy to say no and I made sure to split things even so there wasn't loose ends after I turned him down and said I didn't want to date anyone I worked with and just wasn't interested but he continued to bombard my snapchat for YEARS without me sending a single message. 

I know its not nice to ghost people but if someone is making me uncomfortable I'm not going to talk to them.

Completely destroyed my breakfast, just did a terrible job, I should never be allowed to cook again- I just folded the egg onto itself by accident-


Afternoon entry:

Incredibly lethargic, play a little bit of my game and try to stay awake. Pass out. I didn't eat much for lunch in hindsight.


Evening entry:

House is empty, just me right now, they said they'll bring me back something.

0 Kudos


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