I've been watching #Friends on #HBOMax again(I'm currently in the middle of Season 7) and I've been thinking about how it would work if #NBC were to make the show now instead of in 1994. The big question is "Could it work?" Well, for one thing, they would not be able to afford those big-ass apartments in New York City nowadays. Hell, they shouldn't have been able to afford them back in 1994, even ... » Continue Reading
Republicans love to bitch about cancel culture, which I admit I can understand. And some of it is pretty stupid such as about old Dr. Seuss books or Mr. Potato Head. Or when Mickey Rooney played a Japanese man in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" more than 60 years ago. But Republicans partake in it themselves. like when a company such as Disney supports LGBTQ ri » Continue Reading
I'm beginning to think that the Republican Party in this country is seriously determined to bring about the End of Days, or the Rapture. It's pretty clear that the current GOP hates the very things that should define America: freedom, diversity, justice, human rights and even democracy itself. And it's hard to actually consider them Christian since they don't give a shit about their fellow man. T... » Continue Reading
Well, I think it's time I started posting on here more often, since Facebook is becoming less fun and more stressful. I just need to get more of my friends and family to follow me on here. Anyway, I will NEVER understand this country and why we can't mind our own damn business. But to all my female friends out there, don't give up the fight. #JusticeWillPrevail in the end. » Continue Reading