I'M AT A CONVENTIONNNNN! I love cons so much :D This is my first time going to a con by myself. My mom and I always go together but she had to pass this con this year because she had a hysterectomy a few days ago. Sad she can't go but absolutely ecstatic that she finally got that shit out, good riddance lol. I got lots of compliments on my cosplay today which is so so nice » Continue Reading
CHECK IT This is the certificate I get just for passing the course. THIS is the certificate I get for passing the national exam! It's also what I need to be recognized by my state's Department of Health as a certified Medical Assistant (more specifically MA-P for phlebotomy). I already put in my application to the Department of H » Continue Reading
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I'm done with my course now. I forgot just how draining school environments are, I couldn't be bothered to get on any socials the whole 3 weeks. My battery is fully dead. I don't even get any recovery time my family has planned to go to the movies and then I have my first autism assesment and then I have a gaming con! T^T Luckily the con is very small so it won'... » Continue Reading
Time literally just evaporated like it felt like this course was years away and then all of a sudden it's today. On one end that's great cuz once I'm done I can get a job and I really wanna be making money right now but on the other end it sucks because it's schooooooooooool. It's only 3 weeks but school is school and I hate school. Hopefully it's not too much of a bother and I get this over with ... » Continue Reading
Everytime I listen to I/Me/Myself I fully fucking TRANSCEND there has literally never been any other media representation or discussion that has portrayed this feeling as accurately and I have such a hard time putting it into my own words so it's the greatest thing ever. I saw this tiktok the other day that was discussing a common experience amongst autistic people about the correlation between au... » Continue Reading
Idk if cosplay is supposed to go in games, fashion, or life lmao. All my stuff for my Marionette cosplay is here tho!! My birthday is October 28th so for my birthday this year my mom got me this cosplay and is gonna get us tickets to the fnaf movie premier on October 27th and ofc I'm going in cosplay :D I tested everything out last night to figure out how I wanted it to look and if I wanted to re... » Continue Reading
Brief warning that I've done my best to be as vague as possible abt spoilers (mostly 707, V, and Ray route) but they are discussed so if there's somehow still new fans or you just haven't gotten there you are forewarned. I've recently been delving into a lot of my older interests because the nostalgia and familiarity comforts me in my lower moods and I started playing Mystic Messenger again becau... » Continue Reading