Living in a TV Glow world with Twin Peaks as my Pink Opaque
Category: Blogging
im so fucked up but this will be blogged out soon » Continue Reading
"task fiending"
SpaceHey Blog URL:
Category: Blogging
im so fucked up but this will be blogged out soon » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
What social medias do I have and how much do I use them? and what still sucks me in? Instagram - the big bad of my screen addiction. I'm currently 6 months clean of having instagram off of my phone and the results have been stellar. Insta has proved to be the main platform for the current DIY music scene, so for my life I do need to access it on my laptop in order to be in the know on when shows I... » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
Myspace has seemed like something my gen (z) missed out on the more I learn about it, so this site has piqued my interest . Basically my intentions is giving myself an outlet to be openly trans so this is a mildly anonymous profile. » Continue Reading