after bed rotting for a month and failing my semester, I decided to quit weed it's not my first time quitting, but even if it's doesn't make one less lazy, it does make one more open to others, less paranoid. I feel less soggy foggy dummy being sober rulesss » Continue Reading
I'm sad cause I enjoy being here but I forget for months at a time this wonderful place called the actual Internet, you know the one with actual websites that aren't corporate or GAFAM :( A fun place, something that reminds me of when I was a kid with my silly little blogs and a much healthier way to consider technology. How do I manage to spend hours and hours on Tiktok without catching myself ? ... » Continue Reading
Finally !! After years of yearning, waiting, dreading... I got my first shot on the 1st of December. I am glad that I waited all these years, because now, I 'm confident in my choices. So, it's been a week on T !!!! I'm so grateful, so happy !! My only struggle are cis folks. The only reason I was afraid was that I could be judged by cis people, people that don't want to understand, people judging... » Continue Reading
Every week I switch from wanting to quit school to being somewhat invested in my projects. I may sound a little childish, but I feel so held back by the fact that we cannot choose our classes. Like, the only reasons I'm still in school are my web and drawing classes, and this sweet library of ours. But there are some classes that I don't like, and their projects take soooo much time !! So I end up... » Continue Reading
"And here we reach the point where we would like to highlight artifacts of Digital Folklore, a distinct user culture developed inside user-oriented applications and services despite their low social status and technical limitations. And their cumulative output began to dominate that of hacker culture." In the intro, on the » Continue Reading
I'm kinda proud of this one It's -almost- finished (I had sound in mp3 format, which is not supported by neocities, so I'll need to embed something instead ??? plus I was using JS for the very first time, not very pleasant lol) It's journaling meets collage ?? I like it, here's the link : » Continue Reading
Hey Space Hey ! I've been trying to escape this soul sucking void that is corporate web !!! Give me something to make!! I swear Instagram and Tiktok made me sooo lazyyyy In my early teens I had a Skyblog and it always made me feel nice :) I really suck at webdesign (for now at least) but » Continue Reading