Christine is still a Bumblebee with the GBE💜

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Life happens.... Take that back road.

Category: Life

(Reply to a facebook comment) Life does happen.... When road trippin' always keep a couple of unplanned days at the end. My husband would always tell me he had x many days off, when it was x+3. He's the one that would do the lollygagging at the campground the last day of the trip, when the rest of us would be sadly packing up. Or he'd want to take the long way home, while I was stressing that we h... » Continue Reading

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GBE #8 Go ahead and just touch it!

Category: Blogging

Texture.... I love that word. Just kinda rolls off the tongue 👅  This word is me. I'm a very tactile type of person. I do believe that I have mentioned this before. I have to touch everything. I love to run my fingers across the different textures of building materials. When I was younger I would run my fingertips along the tops of the retaining walls that lined the streets of my neighborhood. Som... » Continue Reading

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GBE #6 Oh, that smell

Category: Blogging

I have a super sniffer. When I was pregnant I could catch the scent of a strawberry stand that was over 1/4 mile away, if the wind was right. I am one of those people who has to sniff everything. And, I mean EVERY single thing. Pick a rock up at the beach, sniff it. Pick a plush toy off the shelf at a store, sniff it.           I definitely have to sniff something before I buy it as a gift, becaus... » Continue Reading

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Beauty GBE #5

Category: Blogging

Beauty   noun 1. A combination of qualities, such as, shape, color or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight. "I was struck by her beauty."  Oftentimes, as we can see by the definition from Oxford Languages Dictionary, beauty is ascribed to women. Every now and again, sometimes, a man. My Gramps was one of those men. Now, don't get me wrong, he wasn't a "pretty boy." He was,... » Continue Reading

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#4 GBE and what it means to me

Category: Friends

Ever since our MySpace days, I have felt a sense of kinship with quite a few of y'all.  More close with some than others. And, that's ok, because that's the way families work, right?   It started with the stories. Which turned  into bonding in the comments, as we shared how each blog resonated within us.  Growing and changing as we went. We formed bonds that moved to our personal pages, then over ... » Continue Reading

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GBE #3 What would I tell my 9th grade self

Category: Blogging

What would I tell my 9th grade self? Knowing what I now know about PsA, I would tell myself, "Be strong." "All the pain you are having, the symptoms you are experiencing are real. They are not in 'your head'. You are not being an 'attention seeker.' Speak up until someone listens. If you have to, seek medical aid on your own. Don't let your mom gaslight you, because she's a nurse and she 'knows wh... » Continue Reading

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GBE #2 Time

Category: Blogging

When I was about 11(1981), my friend Corina and I were lounging around. We were waiting for evening to come so her Dad could take us to the movies. I let out a heavy sigh, and her Dad asked, "What's wrong, Chris?" "I can't wait for tonight. Today is going by soooo slow. 6:00 is taking forever to get here." Her Dad chuckled, then told me these words, he said,  "Don't wish today away. The older you ... » Continue Reading

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GBE Reincarnated #1 Loss

Category: Blogging

Hello Fellow GBE'rs, C'mon in, have a seat. Thank you for taking the time to visit. I've missed you❤️ Loss.... I've been tossing this topic around in my head for two weeks. I've written and rewritten this blog 10,000x in there as well. How will I start it? How will it end? I've gone from heartbreaking to humorous, and back again. I may ramble a bit. Bouncing from thought to thought. Hopefully I wo... » Continue Reading

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