GBE #2 Time

When I was about 11(1981), my friend Corina and I were lounging around. We were waiting for evening to come so her Dad could take us to the movies. I let out a heavy sigh, and her Dad asked, "What's wrong, Chris?"

"I can't wait for tonight. Today is going by soooo slow. 6:00 is taking forever to get here."

Her Dad chuckled, then told me these words, he said,  "Don't wish today away. The older you get the faster time goes by."

"What do you mean by that?"

" Well, one minute you're young, the days seem long. As you get older, time speeds up. Then you have children. Once you have kids, time goes even faster. The days fly by. You know, it seems like just yesterday that Corina was born. But, then I turned around, and here she is, a young lady waiting to get dropped off at the movies. It all went by so fast. It goes by in the blink of an eye. No, Chris, don't wish your days away."

I know I had many conversations with her Dad, but this, plus one other conversation, are the only two I remember. The other one was about having patients with those younger than us. That one is a story for another time.

He was  a very wise man. Not book smart, but life smart and I loved sitting at his feet soaking it all in.

In 42 years I have never forgotten, quite possibly, the best advice I've ever been given (and shared any time I hear a child wishing for time to hurry up), "Don't wish your days away. Time goes by way too fast."

Kenny Chesney, Don't Blink

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AliciaoftheGBE's profile picture

I didn't realize we are the same age! But yes, that is probably some of the best advice that you can give young people today. unfortunately, I don't think any of them are listening. I very much enjoyed reading this one, Christine.

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Thank you, Sweets

by Christine is still a Bumblebee with the GBE💜; ; Report

Donna P

Donna P's profile picture

This is so true. When the boys say "I wish I was older to do this or that" I'm like nope don't wish for that so soon, enjoy this time right here right now. It's frightening how quickly time goes by....William will be turning 8 in 2 1/2 weeks time & that scares the life out of me as I think where has my little boy gone? It's no longer toys, puzzles & messy play, it's now gadgets & the latest trends.

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Nope! He cannot be 8.
You were just pregnant with him yesterday.
I refuse to believe this

by Christine is still a Bumblebee with the GBE💜; ; Report


Beth's profile picture

Truth! There's some gray-haired lady in my mirror. She arrived far more quickly than I could have imagined. I like her, though.

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When I had that meeting I was all, "Mom?"

by Christine is still a Bumblebee with the GBE💜; ; Report


NiceInOhio's profile picture

Ain't it the truth! Seems like I just got out of bed, and now it's time to get back in it. Yes. I'm old, haha!

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Tai's profile picture

How very true, Bee. Life seems to buzz by these days. You blink, half the years swept past us already! Wise words from your friends dad. Time is precious! 💜💜💜

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"Buzz by...."
Oh, My Sweet Tai. You make my heart so happy

by Christine is still a Bumblebee with the GBE💜; ; Report