GBE #8 Go ahead and just touch it!

Texture.... I love that word. Just kinda rolls off the tongue 👅 

This word is me. I'm a very tactile type of person. I do believe that I have mentioned this before. I have to touch everything.

I love to run my fingers across the different textures of building materials. When I was younger I would run my fingertips along the tops of the retaining walls that lined the streets of my neighborhood. Some were concrete, others brick or stone. Many had yard cover plants that were draping over them. My favorite was the silky-smoothness of ice plants. It's kinda like aloe, but without the prickly edges.

Speaking of prickly, I have learned that cacti ARE NOT to be touched willy nilly. No, those pokey plants are to be approached with caution. Extreme caution.... Yet, I still must touch them. There's something a little thrilling about touching the smooth skin of a cactus while avoiding the prickly parts.

Call me weird, but I love pregnant bellies. The thought that there is a life growing, a being moving,  under my  hand, is awe inspiring. Have you ever felt the kick of a tiny hoof through it's momma's slick hide? The roll of a puppy, or kitten, through it's momma's fluffy fur? The movement of a tiny human under the tightness of it's momma's belly? 

The different textures of hair is another one of my favorites. Right now I'm obsessed with the soft, silkiness of my husband's new hair. Normally, a cancer patient will loose all of their hair during treatment. Not my husband. Nope. As his hair was falling out, the new was growing in. He never went bald. It was like one day he had long hair, then all of a sudden it was softer, and shorter. I saw the evidence of his hair loss wrapped up in his hairbrush. There was a lot. But, to look at him it seemed just a little thinner. In fact, he seems to be turning into a sasquatch. He is still undergoing treatment, yet he's getting fuzzier by the day. Chest hair where there was none before, fuzzy knuckles too. The man has Mr. Snuffleupagus eyelashes, people. Seriously, those things put falsies to shame! And, it is all so, so soft. Kinda like an angora rabbit. A real pleasing texture to touch.

Cornstarch mixed with water to the point where when you poke it it feels solid, but, if you try to pick it up it's a silky liquid that slips through your fingers. 

Silly putty, slime, play-doh, all slightly creepy texture treats for the hands.

Kneeding dough, making pie crust.... Not only a tactile person's happy place, but a chance to remember baking with Grandma as the texture of the dough changes right before your eyes.

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AliciaoftheGBE's profile picture

I'm going to apologize in advance in case your comments are light this go round.

You really did a great job with this topic! So many different examples, like your husband's hair. Not cool that he's a cancer patient, but cool how his hair is responding to treatment. I have a similar story with my hair: after almost a year in a facility for people who are on ventilators, this is right after the emergency surgery I had had where they were unable to wean me off of the ventilator, so to this facility I went, I was not well taken care of, like my hair didn't get washed for weeks at a time, so when I finally came home, I was having to lay my head on pads on top of my pillow. Got a PA to come out and look at my head, I had developed something like yeast on the back of my head! Anyway, once it was treated, my normally straight hair was as curly as if I had gotten one of those perms I used to pay for. Craziest thing I ever laid eyes on. Sorry for the long story, but that's what came to mind when I read about the crazy things your husband's hairs are doing. (And yes, you are definitely a tactile person, and you explain it so well.:) )

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Thank you for sharing your hair journey.
I am so sorry you were put in such a horrible facility
Having cancer has saved his life, twice. But, that's a story for another blog. It sucks donkey balls, but the Lord has shown up in huge ways

by Christine is still a Bumblebee with the GBE💜; ; Report