It's stupid how much I've been working lately. I've had one day off in the last 12 days and still have no real day off in sight. I've got to dig myself out of a hole and the only way to do so is to knuckle down and fucking bust ass. I hate living like this, its exhausting but its the only thing I can do. » Continue Reading
First off I'm gonna say WOW what a rabbit hole i've been down tonight. In a desperate search for nostalgic websites I used to basically live my life on back in the day I found my old fanfiction accounts and I have cried and laughed so hard at these accounts. The older account contains my terrible writings all the way back from 2007 up until 2013 aka 6th grade through my senior year of high school.... » Continue Reading
As if life hadnt thrown enough shit at me already the venue ive dedicated the last 3 years of my life to is struggling really fucking badly and Im scared Im going to lose the only thing thats actually given me enough drive and will to live with everything else in total shambles in my life. Like i'm really genuinely just so unsure of what the fuck im even supposed to be doing with my life now becau... » Continue Reading
I really have missed having such a low key social media account like this. So much happened in my life in the last several months since i last posted any kind of update but it could be the script for a million dollar movie thats sad as fuck all and that's all imma say about it. I feel like a colossal fuck up in every aspect in life and literally dont know where to go or what to do anymore. I feel... » Continue Reading
man i forget to update this shit lmao my b. uh god whats new? uh i no longer work in a wing place, im full time at the venue now doing stage, security, and kitchen work there. I left the dude i had been with for like 2 years and moved out of down town. ive made the most solid group of friends ive had in idk how many years. its been hard but lifes been getting better. ive been going to shows and w... » Continue Reading
So ive been really terrible about updating on here LMAO whats new? My work life has taken such a drastic leap in the right direction finally. I used to just be a gogo dancer, then became a stage hand at this venue and ive worked my way to being my bosses number one he calls on and also being put in charge of our wednesday tranquility bass events. Im absolutely excited to see them putting kore re... » Continue Reading
Im so bad at keeping up with this social because i have so much more steady following on others but i wanted to pop on here to let yall know my website is in the process of being updated to include my jewelry, new paintings, and custom clothing, and vintage glasswear ♡ I'm currently working on a WHOLE lotta projects and catching up my backed up commissions haha. Once i thin... » Continue Reading
And of course guess whos back thanks to facebook banssssss 😎 I got a whole lot to catch yall up on, my last post was November i think? lmao Anyway I have been BUSY af lately. Ive got several craft fairs coming up March 12 spring bee market powell tn April 2 the village mercantile knoxville tn May 7 the village mercentile knox » Continue Reading
So it's been a good minute since I've really been on here and bothered to make any kind of updates. Theres been a lot haha And I've changed the name of my blog because as it seems I'm no longer a dancer lmao not by my fuckin choice anyways. that's a long story in itself that doesn't have a whole lot to actually do with me but more of my friend who was the captain of the gogo dancing team I was » Continue Reading
Just gonna ramble because I'm stoned and missing the old days I truly miss the days of hopping onto things like gaia online and deviant art and even fanfiction and having whole friend networks on there. My life got so turbulant the last 7 years that most of it I havent even had a computer and cell service on my phones when i could even afford to have a not broken phone was rare. I backed off the... » Continue Reading
I'm just gonna ramble for a while and reflect on my life for a minute lmao Since the miscarriage it's really changed a lot for me. For 17 years I've repeated the same cycles of burrying my traumas and bottling it up and never proccing it all. I could fill a book with the absolute hell scape my life has been. No shit, this the kind of shit they make tragic fucking movies with feel good endings abou... » Continue Reading