Honestly, when I get asked questions about myself I get really nervous and anxious due to the fact that even though I know the answer I just… can’t seem to remember it… but I’ll try my best! » Continue Reading
So this is it, my final entry (unless I want to continue doing this, instead of writing in my non- existent diary). (or unless I get like really famous because of my blog) (life is kinda funny like that). I feel like lately I don't have a lot to say, which is weird because I'm always overthinking . Maybe it is because I realized that I talk too much.That I give my energy to people that don't give ... » Continue Reading
When I saw the prompt for this week, I immediately thought of the time my best friend and I attended a workshop meant for little kids (we thought it was for all ages, okay?). I figured it would be a great idea to retell this little adventure we had. Plus, I thought it’d be cool to look back on this in a few years and remember how silly we were. It all started when my friend—who was also my roommat... » Continue Reading
This is just a random blog entry about how I've been feeling lately. I don't know why but my depression has been acting up lately and I've been sleeping so much. I think it's because sleeping is my only form of truly escaping life even if it's for a brief moment. While writing this down I realized that it sounds so depressing (haha). But fear not, depression is something that I've been struggling... » Continue Reading
The last thing that I purchased (that’s not food related, because I don’t want to talk about the pint of strawberry ice-cream I just bought) is a t-shirt. This isn’t a normal t-shirt though, it’s a shirt that I just bought at the Atarashii Gakko! concert that I went yesterday. It’s special to me because it was 55 dollars plus taxes (ouch! Not the normal price for a regular t-shirt!) a » Continue Reading
Every time I have to do an assignment or just get questions asked in general about myself I somehow always forget the answers even though I know them. The first question is what am I passionate about… I had to take a really big look around my room to just try and answer this question, and as I looked around I think my room answered the question for myself. I mean.. I also had to ask m » Continue Reading
My experience with AI is a bit of a mixed one. While I’m a firm believer that we shouldn’t let AI do our work as designers, and when I mean work I mean actually designing something. » Continue Reading
When I go out shopping for anything, I’m always hyper aware of textures. If I don’t like the texture of a certain thing, I won’t buy it. Especially when it comes to clothing. Through texture you can determine if the quality of the material or how it will look on your body without h » Continue Reading